5 dietary deficiencies that cause depression

There are approximately 322 million depressed people in the world, a truly exorbitant and ever-increasing number. An often underestimated pathology, for which less than half are cured.

It manifests itself with symptoms such as constant sadness, loss of interest in activities and low self-esteem, often accompanied by poor appetite, disturbed sleep, apathy, poor concentration.

In general, to have good physical and psychological health, it is good to always keep the immune defenses at a good level. In this regard, look at the foods that strengthen our immune system in this video.

As for depression in particular, there are foods that should never be missing on our tables to avoid the risk of being affected by this insidious disease.
Here are 5 very important ones to consume regularly.

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1. Zinc

Zinc is one of the nutrients needed to keep any part of our body healthy. In addition to supporting the movements of the immune intestinal system, zinc also balances mental health and is essential for the function of neurotransmitters.

The good news is that one of the primary sources of zinc is dark chocolate! As well as lean beef, toasted wheat germ, spinach and pumpkin seeds.

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2. Magnesium

Experts often refer to magnesium as a real antidote to stress, a powerful mineral that helps the body relax.
Unfortunately, our sometimes high consumption of alcohol, sugar, soft drinks and antibiotics leads to a deficiency as each of these can decrease magnesium levels.

Where to find it? In soy, lentils, whole grains, low-fat dairy products and nuts.

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3. Selenium

Selenium is needed not only for maintaining healthy thyroid function, but also for mental well-being. This is because selenium is used to convert non-active thyroid hormones to their active form in the liver, where it is used to make antioxidants and detoxification compounds for the body.

You can find abundant sources of selenium in sunflower seeds, wholemeal bread, tuna, pork and even oysters.

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4. Amino acids

Amino acids are essential for maintaining a good state of mental health because they help balance the neurotransmitters in our brain and thus reduce fear, anxiety and panic attacks.

Unfortunately, there are some amino acids that our body is unable to produce naturally and must be supplemented through food.

Good sources of amino acids are eggs, lean meat, dairy and plant-based protein sources.

5. Vitamin D

If during the winter months you feel more depressed and moody, know that it may be due to less exposure to sunlight and a consequent lack of vitamin D, an element that has been linked several times to depression.

The National Institute of Health suggests that, on average, adults should get around 600 IU of vitamin D per day. Where to find it? In fatty fish, portobello mushrooms, cod liver oil and tofu.

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To discover other foods that can help you ward off depression or fight it if you think you are suffering from it, browse this gallery!

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