Drinking red wine is good for your health ... and helps you lose weight!

It's official, red wine earns one of the first places in the ranking of our favorite foods, that is, foods that, in addition to being greedy, do not make you fat!
The wine, strictly red (due to the greater quantity of polyphenols), will no longer only have the role of accompanying a special dish for an equally special evening, but will become a pleasant and healthy daily habit.
If you indulge in a glass of red wine every night and a few bites of dark chocolate, to stay on the subject of healthy goodies, it will be easier to make the diet last!

And if you really want to overdo it, train like them:

The benefits of red wine for health, starting from the heart

It was well known that drinking a glass of red wine every day was good for the heart, but let's understand why and find out what are the other benefits of wine that are not as well known.
Among alcoholic beverages, wine, especially red wine, is perhaps the only one to have positive effects on our health. According to numerous studies, in fact, drinking red wine reduces the risk of mortality. What are the reasons?

First, it helps keep bad cholesterol under control, preventing any cardiovascular problems. Furthermore: thanks to a protein called fibrinogen, it helps regulate blood coagulation and improves circulation; keeps blood vessels healthy, removing the risk of arteriosclerosis and smoking-related diseases; consumed during and after meals, it restores blood pressure; has neuroprotective components that limit the risk of Alzheimer's and protect memory; reduces the risk of arthritis and those of diabetes and diabetic retinopathy (linked to vision); prevents the formation of kidney stones and keeps the annoying cold at bay!

See also

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Red wine: a panacea for our beauty

In addition to protecting our health, red wine is a real beauty ingredient. In fact, this drink also has miraculous effects on our skin and, above all, on our silhouette! Moreover, if consumed in moderation, it can be an "interesting alternative to coffee to return awake and reactive when needed.

But that's not all: red is also an excellent ally for digestion, to support a protein-based diet (favoring its assimilation) and to counteract the onset of varicose veins.

Because drinking red wine before bed helps you lose weight

According to studies conducted by Harvard University, the ideal time slot to drink one or (better) two glasses of wine is the first time to go to sleep, which we usually reserve for relaxation.
On the basis of the sample of women examined, it seems in fact that habitually drinking half a bottle of wine (2 glasses) during meals, or preferably after dinner, makes you lose weight; this is thanks to the combo between alcohol and polyphenols in wine, contained in the seeds and skin of grapes (which are not used to make white wine), capable of boosting the metabolism of sugars.
So, to end the dinner with a flourish, opt for a nice glass of red wine instead of dessert, perhaps followed by some healthy physical activity ...

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