9 things only friends who grew up together can understand

It is said that "whoever finds a friend finds a treasure" and we believe it, we believe it without continuing the phrase in that horrible way, which continues with a "whoever finds a treasure doesn't give a damn about the" friend ".
If you've been lucky enough to have someone to grow up with, you know for sure that these 9 things, for you and your best friend, are on the agenda.

  1. · 1. You are not afraid of silence
  2. · 2. You have no problem arguing because you know so much that you will laugh together again
  3. · 3. Your parents love her more than you
  4. · 4. "Do you remember when ...?
  5. · 5. You are not jealous of your boyfriend but woe to whoever touches your best friend
  6. · 6. You are perfectly comfortable with each other
  7. · 7. You have kept everything
  8. · 8. Know each other's tastes
  9. · 9. Secrets don't exist

1. You are not afraid of silence

Do you know those moments of silence, in the car, between one Laura Pausini song and the other?
People who don't have your intimacy usually fear them and look for a way to fill them. You now know your silences and, after years of training, you are not afraid of them.

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2. You have no problem arguing because you know so much that you will laugh together again

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The bad thing about quarrels is that they put a strain on the balance, we are often afraid to have our say because we are afraid of losing the person in front of us, however, with those who grew up with us, we do not have these problems.
Your best friend is like a sister and your relationship is like a rubber band: you will not be able to stay away from each other, life will certainly bring you closer together.

3. Your parents love her more than you

There is no party in which they do not wish each other, whether it is a phone call or a simple text message and, in cases of extreme friendship, friends and parents exchange Christmas and birthday gifts ...
Whenever you go out together, on your return, you have to prepare yourself for the cascade of questions like: "But the Vale is fine? How come it didn't get on? Is it better at work?" because, by now, you know that your parents are fond of her as if she were an adopted daughter.

4. "Do you remember when ...?

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Whoever goes out with you knows, at some point the "Throw Back" moment will come and it will certainly claim many victims. You were there when your best friend had a terrible haircut (in her defense, it was fashionable) and she was there when you bought that dress with the English flag that, in the world, only suits Geri Halliwell : the incredible thing is that, evidence in hand, you love to remember it together.

5. You are not jealous of your boyfriend but woe to whoever touches your best friend

Anyone who thinks he is hurting her has to contend with you. You have a great sense of protection for her, even though she doesn't really need it because she can handle it on her own. When you know that someone is down in the dumps, you are the first to roll up your sleeves to solve the problem.

6. You are perfectly comfortable with each other

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This item includes trips to the toilet with the door open and hours spent in lingerie in front of the closet because you have no idea what to wear (and it is not excluded that, if you are the same size, your closets have mixed with the years. ).
Whether it's the ugliest choreography in the universe or the most embarrassing incident ever, you know you have an ally.

7. You have kept everything

Remember the notes you wrote in class, the post-its with the list of "cons" because she didn't like your high school crush, the letters exchanged in times of difficulty ...
At least one of them has a memory box that she uses in the darkest moments.

8. Know each other's tastes

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You will never invite your friend to eat sushi, knowing that she hates Japanese, and she will never offer you Korean as she knows your aversion to spicy food.
In case she comes to dinner with you she will show up with a pool of tiramisu, your favorite dessert, and you will stock up on her favorite candies.
The best thing about having a "lifelong friend" is that, many times, words are useless!

9. Secrets don't exist

You would like to keep something hidden but, over the years, you have realized that this is absolutely impossible. Even before you think not to tell her anything, she has already guessed the question or, more likely, she has found a way to get you to talk about it without you noticing.

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