39th week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 9th month of pregnancy

Mother's health

You have reached the end of your pregnancy. What will be the right time to go to the hospital? When the contractions become more intense, frequent (every five to ten minutes) and long (they will last about a minute). The sensation of contractions, impossible to control, changes from one woman to another. In some women, they are very painful, for others they only become painful at the end. You must try to remain relaxed during the contractions, avoiding opposing them ... you will be ready when your contractions take on a regular cadence.

It may happen that your waters "break": in this case you must necessarily go to the hospital. Before going there, we advise you not to eat anything, but you can drink at the same time. For the rest, do not worry: the obstetrician or gynecologist will be by your side and will explain what will happen.

See also

37th week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 9th month of pregnancy

36th week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 9th month of pregnancy

35th week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 9th month of pregnancy

The development of the child

Your baby is ready to be born: it measures approximately 50 cm and weighs between 3 and 3.5 kg.

If you give birth naturally, the baby will move so that it falls and slides into your pelvis. At the beginning of the birth, you will be asked to make an effort, to push to help him go down. Later, you will be asked to stop pushing, allowing the doctor or midwife to intervene to get the baby out earlier. head and then the whole body of the child.

It may happen that it is necessary to resort to caesarean delivery, because the baby is in pain, or because its position does not allow a natural birth. In most cases, this surgery is done under loco-regional (epidural) anesthesia, which allows you to witness the birth of your baby.

Our advice

The first contact with the baby

How do you imagine the first contact with your baby? Hopefully during delivery, they will let you hold your baby right after birth, before examining him. He will probably have wide eyes and will look at you ...

But be careful, it is good to know that this first contact will not necessarily be that "love at first sight" you have always imagined. Do not panic so if, even if you have been waiting for this moment for a long time, the bond with your little one will not be immediate and easy.

- First of all, you need to know that newborns often have a little swollen head due to the effort made at the moment of the transition and, of course, they are dirty.
The mother and her baby will have to get to know each other. Already after a few days, her appearance will change: the birthmarks will disappear and the contact with the mother will gradually increase.

- In addition, there is always a gap between the "imagined" child and the "real" one ... this is why some mothers are disappointed at the moment of birth. They have difficulty identifying the child in their arms with what they have carried for nine months in the womb However, in most cases, the "emotion of the first" meeting "with the baby soon turns into a feeling of great fulfillment.

- Finally, it is not always easy to love "regardless" of a person you do not know. This emotional confusion will quickly disappear when you start taking care of your baby, cradling him, feeding him, stroking him. The maternal instinct develops through contact with the child, rarely is it a "love at first sight" that occurs at birth!

Not to be forgotten

Begin to prepare the room and the necessary for the baby
Warning: you have run out of months. If the baby is not yet born, they could induce you to give birth
Dad can think about taking holidays to be close to you and the unborn child
In the hospital: medical examination after childbirth and a short course on how to behave with the baby at home

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