Swollen face: causes and quick remedies to solve this problem

The face is the most exposed part of our body and it is impossible not to notice any irregularity. Everyone has had at least once to wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and notice a slight swelling, not knowing how to proceed. It is right then to investigate the reasons for this condition: sometimes, without panic, a do-it-yourself lymphatic drainage massage is enough! Follow the directions in this video and treat yourself to a little relaxation!

Swollen face: the causes

Facial swelling is a much more frequent situation than is believed. It can occur in the morning, as soon as you wake up, or in the evening, when the face is particularly tired. First, a swollen face is a local accumulation of excessive fluid (edema) that can follow a local inflammatory reaction. This swelling, in fact, can affect any area of ​​the face but, in most cases, the most affected area is precisely that of the lips, cheeks and eyelids. Again, this condition can be accentuated by a swelling of the neck, often related to overweight and obesity.

The swollen face may be due to certain pathologies that require medical advice, otherwise it is often a mere transitory phenomenon, the causes of which are the most diverse and disparate. Water retention, poor hydration, insomnia and stress can be among them, which is why it is possible to resort to natural, simple and effective remedies to deflate the face in a short time. All you need is a little consistency to get great results.

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When to be alarmed and see a doctor

As we have said, waking up and having a swollen face is a much more common condition than is believed. That's why you shouldn't be alarmed as soon as it happens, especially if it's an isolated case. In general, the more sudden and violent its manifestation is considered the more worrying its onset. In these conditions, we recommend that you see your doctor right away:

  • urticaria;
  • cough and breathing difficulties;
  • pallor;
  • feeling of suffocation;
  • generalized swelling of the body;
  • itchy throat or mouth;
  • severe malaise (symptoms of anaphylactic shock).

In addition, it is advisable to contact and seek medical advice when swelling is accompanied by mild or moderate fever, headache, pain while swallowing, pain in the eyes or redness within them, pain in the face, redness of the skin or the appearance of skin blisters filled with fluid or pus.

How to behave when taking medicines

When the swelling is due to underlying diseases, the remedy is to be found in the disease that triggered this condition. Still, it is possible that the swollen face is caused by taking some medicines and the remedy can be, trivially, to interrupt the treatment with these drugs. several reasons, unless it is clearly an allergic reaction to that medicine. In an allergy situation, in fact, it is clear that the drug must immediately stop being taken but, being a field for the medical note, remember always contact your trusted hospital reference first.

Don't panic: the do-it-yourself remedies for a puffy face

In the event that these other complications do not occur, do not panic and alarmism: the remedies are there and they are also simple to follow and implement. It goes without saying that the best therapy depends on the causes that led to the problem, which is why it is so important to identify the motive, so as to find the best remedy.

Puffy face after a sleepless night: the remedies

The reasons behind a facial swelling, it is understood, can be of different nature. Among these, it is very common to wake up with a swollen face following a sleepless night. In this case, as well as when the face is subject to a slight trauma, the solution can be the application of ice packs, to be kept on the affected local area for at least 10-15 minutes, paying attention to avoid direct contact with the ice (wrap it in a cloth to avoid burns).
Another fairly well-known and effective remedy is the application of tea bags: in this way, letting them cool takes advantage of their astringent action, useful for reducing the swelling you are trying to get rid of.

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Try this reusable face cooling mask that you find on Amazon for around 20 euros!

Facial swelling and harmless causes: here's what to do

Sometimes, the pathologies have nothing to do with the swollen face you find yourself in front of the mirror in the morning and it makes no sense to contact a doctor. Another hypothetical cause of the swelling could be an allergic reaction due to a certain food.In fact, it may happen that you ingest a food to which you are unknowingly intolerant or particularly sensitive; in this case, the game is simple: just identify the food in question and eliminate it from your diet to solve the problem.

Another "other cause, perhaps the most banal but widespread, is the bite of an insect during the night, or the direct consequence of an" infection involving ears, eyes or gums.

Equally simple as a cause but more and more common to many, facial swelling is due to "having slept badly and little and above all to being in a stressful condition. To this is added some precautions in one's diet: a" diet that is too rich in salt. and fats, alcohol consumption at the expense of water and smoking cause water retention, one of the main reasons for a puffy face.

15 minutes Face mask based on egg white: the do-it-yourself recipe!
  • egg whites
  • Argan oil
  • lemon juice

Prevention is better than cure: useful tips to combat swelling

In all areas of medicine and personal well-being, the importance of prevention is undeniable. Obviously, these are small operations to improve skin tone, skin brightness and avoid annoying edema in the morning. It is therefore a series of operations. of correct attitudes that one must assume to partially change one's routine and discourage the onset of unpleasant problems such as a swollen face, thus embracing a more beautiful and healthier tissue.

  • Sleep at least 7-8 hours a night: according to experts, this is the minimum time to rest and regenerate your body and organism, both physically and mentally. Your skin will also benefit and won't look tired and pale.
  • Drink at least two liters of water a day: according to the opinion of every doctor and nutritionist, water works wonders for our body. Useful not only to eliminate annoying cellulite and fight water retention in the most prone areas, but it is also optimal to counteract the puffy face.
  • Do not smoke before sleeping: smoking is a bad habit, especially before you regenerate your body with sleep. Replace this evening habit with a relaxing herbal tea (even more liquids in the body!), Because the smoke stresses the skin and makes it more tired and swollen than usual the next morning.
  • Don't sacrifice your evening skincare - it doesn't act directly on swelling, but the benefits of taking care of your skin are undeniable. Plus, by giving yourself a gentle facial massage, I help your face relax and unwind!

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Essential for a hydrated skin and in excellent shape, here is the Face Serum with 100% Pure Organic Hyaluronic Acid with Vitamin C-E, available for purchase on Amazon in a special offer!

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