Free holidays for healthcare workers deployed against Covid-19

Summer is upon us and, although this year will be nothing short of anomalous, we all already have thoughts of summer holidays because, in short, this pandemic has definitely tried us and we need some well-deserved relaxation. All the more reason, doctors, nurses and all health personnel deployed on the front line during this health emergency.

It is to them that various travel agencies and operators in the tourism sector have thought, devising a totally creative and exceptional way to say to them: “THANK YOU!”. Thus a splendid initiative was born, promoted by some regions, for which the categories mentioned above will be able to enjoy a sacred holiday without putting their wallet. Yes, you got it right: anyone who has served in the “Covid Centers” of Italian hospitals, all certified by a corporate letter, will be guaranteed a free stay in some tourist locations on the peninsula. But let's see in more detail where it will be possible to stay on holiday at no cost!

Regardless of your profession, in this period it is always better to rely on travel agencies, such as who will guide you in organizing your holidays!

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At the sea...

The Natural Park of Cefalù, managed by the Madonie Park Authority, offers a week's vacation to Lombard doctors and nurses who have served in the Civil Hospitals of Brescia, at the Fatebenefratelli and at the Sacco in Milan.“We would like to thank them by giving them a holiday in nature, with excursions, trekking, visits to museums and geological sites”, explains the extraordinary commissioner Salvatore Caltagirone.

Thanks to Sailsquare, a startup that deals with organizing sailing trips, the project was conceived Thanks 1000 with which a thousand holidays will be given to all health personnel who have put aside fears and apprehensions to take the field and fight this lethal battle. A name that could not have been more apt to express all the gratitude these people deserve.

... or in the mountains!

But there are equally tempting proposals for mountain lovers too. In Trentino Alto Adige, precisely in Val di Sole, and in Cortina the managers of hotels and tourist residences have taken steps to join this initiative, making their own facilities available where doctors, nurses, social and health workers, radiology technicians, psychologists, staff auxiliaries and cleaners will be able to spend holidays - strictly free - in the name of silence and contact with nature. A real panacea for those who have lived the last few months in the grip of stress!

In short, the time has come for our "heroes" to recharge their batteries, regenerating body and mind in front of the breathtaking views that our beautiful Italy offers us.

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