Makeup for olive skin: features and tips to enhance it

At first glance, having olive skin might seem like a great luck, above all because it simulates the "tanning effect" that many aspire to. Yet even in this case, as with fair skin, it is necessary to pay attention and choose the right makeup correctly. and the most suitable colors to make the most of it. We have collected a series of make-up tips to show off an ideal make-up if you have a dark or olive complexion, but first watch this video and find out how to make your makeup last longer.

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Characteristics and "problems" of olive skin

Olive skin is known to appear grayish and dull at times. If not properly illuminated with the right make-up products, this type of skin, envied by all, can lead to problems in terms of spots, grain and shine. Saying you have an olive complexion does not always mean having dark skin, in fact there are also people with light olive skin.
The olive complexion usually also stands out for the warm or cold undertone, depending on which of the two you have, you can define your own warm olive skin or cold olive skin.
Finally, it is very important to remember that olive skin is not synonymous with tanned skin and that indeed, those who have this type of skin sometimes struggle much more to tan than lighter skins.

While it's hard to believe, olive skins have their drawbacks. Let's see what they are:

  • the choice of foundation is not easy, the undertone of the skin can be deceiving, you don't have to consider the color of how the skin looks;
  • the fight against sun spots and hyperpigmentation will be on the agenda;
  • facial hair can sometimes be very visible;
  • if you have olive skin it is better to give up the dream of having blond hair;
  • the eyes could be very visible and brown in color;
  • olive skin tends to be oily.

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Olive complexion: the rules for a perfect make-up base

The olive skin will not be further darkened, which is why our advice is to opt for an illuminating base that hides small imperfections and uniforms the complexion at the same time. Choose a mauve or apricot color: you will brighten the skin of the face making it immediately appear with a healthy complexion.

slightly amber, Just as a foundation that is too dark is not good, a foundation that is too light will not work either, which would turn off the amber tone of olive skins. Choose a fluid foundation, of a shade similar to that of your complexion and apply it with the help of the brush making movements from the inside and outside of the face, and then blend well towards the neck, only in this way you will avoid the unsightly detachment. of color that often forms right between the neck and neck.

After applying the foundation with a large, round brush, use a little earth with a neutral undertone, thus creating a light contouring on the whole face. Concentrate on the forehead, cheekbones and chin, that is the areas that tan more easily Finally, use a well-blended pink blush on the cheekbones.

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The ideal makeup for those with dark skin: the most suitable colors and those to avoid

The colors that suit you
Pink, warm and sunny colors, metallic textures, coppery, bronze or golden tones are the ones that are most able to illuminate olive complexions. In addition to following the advice on the perfect base that we talked about in the previous paragraph, choose an eyeshadow palette in warm colors such as bronze, gold or metallic nudes. And for the lips? Nude lipsticks with warm shades, preferably with finish creamy to plump lips.

Colors to avoid
The colors to avoid for those with olive skin, will certainly be the grays that would only accentuate the greyish halo already present on the face, but also some too cold colors that would not be able in any way to illuminate a skin, such as the dark one, already off of its own.

The beauty advice of the professional
A secret: the apricot color gives light to the dull complexion, especially if enriched with mother-of-pearl particles that illuminate your skin. For very marked brown dark circles, first apply an apricot-colored cream concealer and blend it well. Then, pat on a concealer of the your skin tone and observe the result: perfectly covered dark circles and illuminated eye contour area!

The ideal cosmetic bag must contain
Eyeshadows: copper, coral, dark brown, and bronze.
Lipsticks: red and nude
Blush: apricot color

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How to behave in the summer if you have olive skin

Many think that when summer comes, those with olive skin have an advantage, but instead it is not so! As we have already said, this type of skin can burn even more frequently than fair skins, and even if you do not notice it immediately, over time, sun spots may appear that are difficult to get rid of. Even a skin that appears dark, such as olive, will have to apply a sunscreen with a high spf to avoid sun damage, always remembering to avoid especially the hottest hours of the day due to exposure to UV rays.

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