Green eye make-up: make-up to make them stand out

People with green eyes are rare, this characteristic in fact, especially in Italy is not very common and instead Mediterranean features prevail: dark eyes and hair as well as an often olive complexion. Green eyes therefore represent a peculiarity absolutely to be emphasized and brought out.

Do you like wearing makeup, but you don't know how to enhance your beautiful green eyes? Follow our advice.

Before reading, there is a video for you with an idea on how to do eye make-up in the summer.

Green eye makeup: the ideal eyeshadows

The eyeshadows that help to emphasize the green of the eyes are many, but that's not all, you can also decide to use colored eyeliner, cream eyeshadows and eyeshadow pencils. Depending on how you decide to combine the various shades, it will be easy to create a day or evening make-up.

For the day the best friends of green eyes are browns with reddish shades such as terracotta or taupe gray. Recreate a make-up look using these two colors in the crease of the eye or blended over the entire eyelid.

In the evening, however, you can dare with brighter and bolder shades: pink, red and purple, for example. How about a nice line of purple eyeliner? Purple is a color that comes in other shades such as lilac, lavender, aubergine, plum and purple and all are perfect for highlighting green eyes. Just add a little black mascara to complete the eye makeup.

> Check out the Ruby Obessions palette by Huda Beauty for € 29.90 at Sephora

See also

Sunken eyes: how to make them up to make them stand out

Brown eye make-up: 7 perfect make-ups for brown eyes

Make-up for big eyes: infallible techniques for a perfect make-up

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And the green eyeshadows? Green on green eyes could flatten their color. Our advice is not to use a green similar to that of the eyes, but to choose a darker shade and above all, do not leave it alone but combine it with a friendly color.

If your eyes are green with golden highlights, colors like bronze, copper and gold will look good on you.

Green is a color that already has a quantity of blue or blue in it. Avoid, therefore, using colors from the blue palette, rather than emphasizing they will flatten the light of the gaze.

Finally, pay attention to redness around the eyes: apply a soothing product and avoid using eye shadows in shades of red that would accentuate the problem.

A complete palette for green eyes is that of Maybelline New York for only € 10.50 on Amazon

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How to complete green eye makeup

After having drawn up a list of eyeshadows and colors suitable for green eyes, it is time to understand how to complete the eye make-up and in general all the make-up of the face.

The eyeliner gives depth to the look, moreover, based on how you will make the line (thin, thick, elongated, pointed, straight, etc ...) it will also correct some defects of the eyes: downwards, too distant, small, large. For green eye makeup, the perfect eyeliner shade is dark brown or coffee. Draw a line right near the lash line, if you have close eyes, start with the eyeliner from the middle of the eye and not from the inner corner. The golden eyeliner, on the other hand, could be a valid alternative for important occasions.

In the "inner corner of the eye" apply a light color, you can choose whether to use a powder or creamy eyeshadow, the important thing is to blend well to blend the colors with the skin.

Do you have a party? Make green eye makeup even more special by using purple or eggplant mascara. You will not go unnoticed!

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Blush and lipstick for perfect green eye makeup!

To harmonize all face makeup, after completing the eyes dedicated to the base and finish everything with a touch of blush and a lipstick.

Again, we will guide you! Follow these tips.

The ideal shades of lipstick to create a nice contrast on the lips and accentuate the green eyes are red, purple and pink. You can also choose to recreate a beautiful duochrome effect: spread a slightly darker pencil on the lip contour, blend it towards the center and apply the lighter shade here. "Wow" effect guaranteed! To fix and make the lipstick last longer, dab your lips with a tissue after applying it.

The peach-colored blush will be the magical final touch to seal all the make-up. A few small touches on the cheeks for a healthy and radiant effect.

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6 ideas to customize your make-up

1 - Smokey eyes alternative
Smokey eyes are usually done with black or dark gray eyeshadows. For green eyes, on the other hand, you can use lilac and wine: spread the first over the entire mobile eyelid and the second in the crease of the eye, fading towards the fixed eyelid.

2 - Green light to colors
A very easy and quick idea to realize but with a sure effect. On the eyelid use a periwinkle blue eyeliner, while on the lashes apply a purple mascara. Green eyes will light up with their own light.

3 - Neutral look for important occasions
For formal occasions such as interviews or business meetings, choose neutral shades: a golden color over the entire eyelid, a well-blended orange-brown in the crease. Finally, a brown kajal and lots of mascara.

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4 - Peach makeup
Peach is also a must have for those with green eyes. For makeup you can use it by combining it with a brown that you will blend both in the crease and in the outer corner of the eye.

5 - The custom purple color
We've already said that purple is the king of green eye shadows. You can use it in a thousand ways. We suggest two of them:

  • Combine purple with strawberry pink eyeshadow and brown eyeliner.
  • Use shades of purple all over the lids for a monochromatic makeup look

6 - Green makeup
Do you love green and want to make up your green eyes in this color? We suggest you choose a dark green and separate it from the pupil with a thick line of eyeliner. In this way you do not risk flattening the iris light, try Maybelline's dark green kajal for about € 5 on Amazon!

If until now you had no ideas for making original green eye makeup, now you are spoiled for choice!

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