Test: what song by Franco Battiato are you?

There are authors and composers who, like the great classics, have made the history of Italian music. They are incredible characters, often reserved, who luckily have left us reasons and words to be able to pass on to new generations. Among these certainly there is Franco Battiato, who was able to transform a philosophical thought into a pop song. In this article we offer you a test to find out which great Battiato masterpiece you are, but first we advise you to watch this beautiful video on the importance of "emotionality:

Test: what song by Franco Battiato are you?

Franco Battiato wrote the history of music. If you were to be one of Franco Battiato's countless hit songs, what title would you have? Find out with our test which song represents you the most right now, here is the test:

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Tags:  Lifestyle Marriage Love-E-Psychology