Hair summer 2017: medium scaled cut for a rock Alessia Marcuzzi!

It is one of the hair trends of summer 2017, the swag, a medium cut scaled with a fringe with a rock look, much loved by trendsetters from overseas, and now also from our home. That's right, Alessia Marcuzzi too, in fact, succumbed to the charm of this lob with a lot of lengths and fuller at the top, which pays homage to the punk-rock cuts of the seventies. Always very fond of parade bobs or wavy bobs, this time the presenter has decided to dare, and she does it with a glam-rock version that suits her not a little!

Strictly blonde - a color also celebrated by the hair trends of summer 2017 - Alessia has thus abandoned the short cuts that lately she has shown to appreciate in a particular way, opting for a half size parade, one of the most popular and fashion choices of the season. the long bob with a rock style is one of the top 5 hair trends of spring summer 2017, and a trendsetter like Marcuzzi certainly couldn't miss it. In short, for us, dear Alessia, you are promoted with flying colors!

See also

Asymmetrical cut: who looks good and how to wear it according to the shape of the face

Mullet hair: the most controversial cut in the history of hairstyles

Chapped lips after summer? Here's how to cure them

How to do wavy hair at home? Video!

We said that the wavy hair trend is among the coolest of spring summer 2017, why not take advantage of it? A perfect wavy hair can also be comfortably achieved at home with the practical and economical do-it-yourself, avoiding long sessions at the hairdresser and shopping sprees. In the following video you can see specifically all the steps to take to achieve flawless wavy hair!

The most rock medium cut in summer 2017 hair fashion: the swag!

Gritty and runway, here is one of the trends awarded by the spring summer hair fashion, also chosen by the trendy Marcuzzi. Shorter or in a lob version, the swag requires an important and parade fringe and a scaling concentrated on the length, while the upper part of the hair will be thicker and fuller. It goes without saying that the messy and rock style is the one to prefer, to best exempt in the spirit of the coolest medium cut of summer 2017. Here are the most beautiful versions of the swag from which to take inspiration for an original and trendy cut. that leaves everyone speechless.

Tags:  Kitchen Actuality In Shape