Dreaming of scorpions - meanings and interpretations!

There are those who sleep and remember their dreams perfectly and those who wake up have no conscience. The way you sleep and the amount of hours of rest needed to feel good are subjective and can also vary according to your zodiac sign.

What does the scorpion represent

The scorpion is not a nice animal, or rather it is an animal that inevitably inspires fear and terror in us. This is because we all know well that its sting can sometimes be fatal and capable of blocking our circulatory and respiratory systems. Therefore, if in daily life we ​​tend to avoid occasional encounters with a scorpion, it can frequently happen that these poisonous animals peep into our dreams! If you happen to see a scorpion in your dream it is not a good omen.Often they are accompanied by omens of negative events because they still represent the personification of something that at a subconscious level scares the dreamer.

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The interpretation of dreams

This is not to say that every time you dream of a scorpio the meaning is negative. Sometimes dreaming of the scorpion is a call to life connected to the very strong instinct of survival and resistance to death that these animals manifest in all circumstances. Before jumping to hasty conclusions, therefore, for an in-depth analysis of the dream it will be necessary to evaluate several aspects, therefore depending on how we dream of a scorpion, the meaning to be attributed to our dream changes! When you have read the whole article, you will know a lot more!

A threat to our well-being

Very often dreaming of a scorpion represents in the language of dreams the presence of a danger that we feel at an unconscious level even if we are not rationally aware of it yet. If in the dream the scorpion stings us, it is to be considered as a warning. It is a distressing thought and also indicates a weakness in the one who receives the bite. This weakness must be sought in the relationships between those who surround the dreamer, friends or partners. If, on the other hand, the scorpion has walked on your skin without stinging you or attacking you, this dream symbolizes the presence of a fixed thought that can torment you that absorbs your attention. Have you dreamed of having a scorpion in your mouth? This dream indicates that you feel guilty of something you have done: it is as if you feel something poisonous inside you, of which obviously you are not proud. Finally, if during the dream you managed to send the scorpion away, it means that you managed to ward off a threat that plagued you. Take a good sigh of relief!

Why did I dream of a scorpion?

As we have seen on a subconscious level, the scorpion is associated with thoughts of anxiety and fear. If you have dreamed of it, you are probably experiencing an alarm situation, a difficult period in which you feel under pressure and surrounded by problems. It is possible that you fear the betrayal of a loved one, who could be a trusted friend or partner. In any case, there are not only negative interpretations of this dream but in most cases dreaming of a scorpion reveals that you are experiencing a period of crisis at home and that you are looking for an inner stability and calm that at the moment appear to be a mirage. Your unconscious suggests you not to be overwhelmed by fears but rather to look at the situation from the outside in a more cold and detached way.

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When it indicates a meeting

According to some interpretations of dreams, the scorpion in a dream means that you are about to meet a new person. This time too, however, there is no good news because the meeting could reveal many problems and how a scorpion could suddenly sting you, surprising you with its poison! According to other interpretations, dreaming of many scorpions of different sizes, small and large, is a symbol that reveals that you are experiencing a twisted and problematic phase of your life, such as an economic or professional or even sentimental crisis.

What does the color of scorpions mean for the dreamer

The color of the scorpion you dream of also reveals several clues to the meaning of the dream. If you have dreamed of a giant black scorpion, what awaits you is a great life change that will affect your professional sphere. If the scorpion is large but white in color, in reality your dream is positive: it means that in your life you can count on loyal friends. If the scorpion is red it indicates ambition.

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Other recurring dreams with scorpions

If you dream of eating scorpions, someone is about to enter your life who can enrich it. If you happen to see a scorpion in your clothes in the dream it is a harbinger of damage in the house that you will suffer from children. Warning: if you dream of a scorpion walking on your underwear it is a harbinger of betrayal by your partner. If, on the other hand, you dream of being of the zodiac sign of Scorpio, it is a great thing: it indicates good luck and luck to go. In any case, if you dream of a scorpion you can run and play these grimace numbers at the lotto: 33, 72, 52

And after having talked so much about terrifying dreams, how about dreaming a little with your eyes open?

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