Dreaming of a wedding dress: meaning and possible interpretations

In a dream, several elements may arise, some more recurrent than others. Among the purely feminine dreams that of the wedding dress stands out, imagined by most women from a young age and linked to the idea of ​​a particularly positive turning point in their life, which does not necessarily coincide with the marriage itself or the act. However, this dream image can take on different interpretations depending on the details that appear in it, ranging from the color of the dress itself to the wearer or purchase in the dream.

Symbology of the wedding dress in dreams

Since the wedding dress has been associated over time with more than one meaning, a rich symbolism has been created around it, shared by different cultures and traditions. In general, this particular dress is present above all in the collective imagination. of the female world because since childhood it is seen as the symbol not only of marriage, but also of happiness and an important change of life.

  • New beginning: s "wearing this dress on the occasion of the wedding, or when, by tradition, a woman left the parental home to go and live with her husband, thus starting her own family. Obviously, this situation has changed over the years, but still today the meaning of a dream with a wedding dress inside remains linked to this "passage", understood as a new phase of life and a change, whether desired or not by the dreamer.
  • Femininity: like most dresses, the wedding dress also characterizes the woman who wears it in some way. Normally, it is an adult person who has now left the family of origin and is ready to start her own with your partner.
  • Romantic love, union in harmony, marriage: although female emancipation has led to fundamental and important changes in the matter, the white wedding dress remains anchored to tradition. Seeing it in a dream can represent both the unconscious desire to take the big step and the perfect harmony that reigns in the dreamer's soul.

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Dreaming of a wedding dress - the meaning based on the color of the dress

Everyone knows that traditionally the wedding dress is white. However, more and more often women are favoring wedding dresses of other colors to give their wedding an original and extremely modern note. In the world of dreams, each color of the wedding dress takes on a precise meaning and a precise interpretation. Here are the main colors in which the famous dress can appear in the dream image:

  • White: the wedding dress par excellence symbolizes purity and innocence. It can represent the extreme novelty of the dreamer with respect to what she is experiencing. Furthermore, there are those who see the traditional dress as the emblem of passivity and conformity to the norms of society.
  • Red: this tint indicates vitality, desire and passion. The dreamer struggling with a change is living this period with great energy and positivity, but she also runs the risk of expressing strong emotions without any control.
  • Pink: the color symbol of femininity associated with the wedding dress represents both the strong identity of the woman who dreams of it and her propensity to overcome any difficulty without losing heart.

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  • Yellow or green: both of these colors on wedding dresses indicate that the novelties chosen or imposed by life are lived in a serene way and with great confidence.
  • Light blue: this color for the wedding dress partly takes up the meaning of the white one. Light blue is the color of serenity and spirituality: it may be that your dreamer self perceives with amazement and innocence the phase of novelty you are experiencing.
  • Black: as almost always happens, seeing black on an object in a dream indicates a disturbance, which creates uncertainty or anguish in the soul. In the case of wedding dresses, it means that perhaps you are in a period of your life that should be happy, but something seems to prevent you from fully enjoying this contentment.

Dreaming of wearing a wedding dress

If in the dream you are not only admiring a wedding dress, but wearing it, then it means that the novelties you are facing do not scare you. Indeed, you are living them serenely. There are those who interpret the dream image in which s is wearing the wedding dress as proof that the dreamer is at peace with himself or that he is in a quiet and happy period for his relationship.

However, in case you dreamed of crying while trying on the dress, there may be more than one interpretation. When the crying was of joy it means that you feel fulfilled as a woman and there is nothing you would like to change. If, on the other hand, the tears were dictated by sadness, then you are struggling with something that is troubling you, internal conflicts that you have not yet been able to remedy, or that there are problems in your current relationship or at home.

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Finally, if you have dreamed of wearing the wedding dress, think if you also sported the other accessories, that is, everything that could complete your look, such as shoes and veil. In fact, dreaming of getting married or wearing the wedding dress without shoes means you may be ready to escape from the reality you are experiencing at any moment because it feels too tight for you.

In case you were a bride-to-be struggling with wedding preparations, know how to dream everything is recurring and normal. You are in a period of high stress and you have to face all the preparations, including invitations, party favors and much more. Therefore, seeing you in a dream with your white dress but without shoes or without the veil means that you are afraid of forgetting something important for the big day.

Dreaming of a "friend with the" wedding dress

It may happen that you are not the protagonist of your dream. Perhaps she was an acquaintance, a "friend or family member. In any case, seeing a" other woman wearing the "white dress may be a concern of yours, especially if you know that this person is going through a period of change and you feel of having to be closer to her.

If, on the other hand, your friend is not struggling with a new beginning, it means that you recognize in her a strong female figure, who firmly affirms her identity as a woman, with independence but also charm.

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Dreaming of a ruined wedding dress

As already mentioned, white is a symbol of purity and candor. This interpretation can change significantly if stains of various kinds appear on the wedding dress par excellence or if it is ruined because it is torn or burned. Whatever the imperfections are, this dream indicates fears not yet resolved by the dreamer. "height of some task or you perceive tensions or uncertainties within your relationship.

Likewise, ruined wedding dresses can represent disappointments - especially love ones -, betrayal, guilt or hurt feelings.

These negative readings are not valid, however, if the wedding dress was wet in the dream. This image, in fact, has always been a symbol of luck and prosperity.

Neapolitan grimace: all the numbers associated with dreams where a wedding dress appears

The dream images proposed by our unconscious can be associated with numbers with which you can try your luck at the Lotto game. To recognize the right numbers, you have to rethink everything that was in the scene that appeared in your sleep. We have collected the main ones of the Neapolitan Smorfia connected to the dreams in which the wedding dress appears.

Wedding dress: 80
Bridal Veil: 7
Getting married: 44
White dress: 20
Red dress: 48
Light blue dress: 51
Black dress: 73
Ripped dress: 17

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