Stopping the Pill: What Are the Side Effects?

There are many reasons that can lead a woman to stop taking the pill: the desire to get pregnant, the choice to change the methods of contraception or the arrival of menopause. When you decide to stop taking the pill, you need to be be prepared for possible side effects, without serious health effects.In general, these are the signs that the body is getting back into shape, learning to live again without a daily dose of hormones.

The effects of stopping the pill on menstruation

One of the first effects of quitting birth control pills is the return to a normal cycle. It is important to know that most of the pills have the effect of stopping ovulation thanks to hormones and therefore of drowsing the natural feminal cycle. There are two types of pills: the combined (or estrogen-progestogen) pills, which are the best sellers, and the progestogen pills, for women who are advised not to take estrogen.

  • Combination pills contain two types of hormones: an estrogen and a progestin. These have several effects: they block ovulation, modify the endometrium (to prevent implantation of a fertilized egg) and thicken the cervical mucus (which prevents sperm from passing through the cervix).
  • The progestogen-only pills, on the other hand, contain only one progestogen. This means that they only affect the thickness of the mucus on the cervix. Some of them also block ovulation.

For this reason, when you stop taking the pill, ovulation has to be restarted, which can lead to a large number of symptoms. "In reality these are not symptoms, but simply a return to normal body functioning»Explains Doctor Brigitte Letombe, obstetrician-gynecologist. "We find normal menstruation and, perhaps, irregularity problems. In fact, with the pill, bleeding is very regular. Without the pill, menstruation can sometimes be long, painful or heavy ", explains.

See also

How to take birth control pills correctly

I forgot the pill: how to behave according to the week

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Symptoms of the return to normal cycle

After a woman has stopped taking birth control, she may notice some signs that her period has returned to normal. "Some women notice pain in the middle of their cycle, which means ovulation has occurred. As a reminder, ovulation normally occurs 14 days before menstruation. ". At that time, a follicle containing the egg will rupture, which can cause some pain in some women. This can help pinpoint the best time to try to get pregnant if that was the reason behind taking the pill off.

Natural hormonal changes can be clinically detected. For example, in the middle of the cycle, the normal estrogen surge can cause more leukorrhea (white discharge) than when the woman was taking hormonal contraception: "Vaginal secretions may be slightly sticky and transparent, and their consistency may feel like "egg white", says the specialist. For some women, libido may be higher after stopping the hormonal contraceptive: they may experience a "push" at the time of ovulation, for example. On top of all this, a woman who stops taking the pill may have premenstrual symptoms:

  • Mid-cycle water retention
  • Increased abdominal pain during menstruation
  • Tension in the breast that signals the arrival of menstruation
  • A feeling of heavy legs before menstruation
  • Irritability due to hormonal changes, which was canceled while taking the pill.

When can i get pregnant after i stop taking the pill?

Even though every woman's fertility is different, «uYour period can resume very quickly after stopping the contraceptive pill»Explains Dr. Brigitte Letombe. This means that it is possible to get pregnant from the first sexual intercourse, whether it is the following week or even the days immediately after returning to "normal". Most women resume ovarian activity very quickly. Therefore, you should not stop taking the pill too soon, until you are sure you want a baby, as it can sometimes happen sooner than expected. women who are unsure of their cycle returning, an ovulation test can help clarify this.

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Weight changes after stopping the pill

It is possible for a woman to gain or lose weight when she stops taking the pill. This symptom is different for every woman. "Some women feel like they are losing weight when they take the pill. In reality, menstruation does not cause weight loss, it is just that when you are adjusted, you have a premenstrual hormone drop that causes you to lose that bit of water retention.»Explains the specialist. Also, some women can gain weight on the pill, but this is not normal: it means that this contraceptive is not suitable.

You may also notice a reduction in breast size when you stop taking oral contraceptives, as the pill can make breasts bigger for some women. In any case, if stopping taking birth control pills leads to a high weight ratio, this is a sign that you should consult your doctor.

See also: Everything you didn't know about menstruation

© iStock Everything you didn't know about menstruation

The effects of stopping the pill on the skin

There is a common misconception that the pill would help "cure" acne. However, this contraceptive only masks skin problems caused by hormones. "By preventing ovarian secretion, endogenous secretion is also reduced. However, skin problems are caused by a receptivity to endogenous substances»Says the specialist. By returning to a normal cycle, the woman will then regain the natural state of her skin which was masked by hormones. Finally, it is possible that after stopping the pill, hormonal changes will make the hair more oily, but this generally stops in the following months.
In any case, you should consult your doctor or gynecologist before completely putting away the package of pills. It will help you take stock of your plans for having a baby or other possible methods of contraception if you just want to stop your hormones by giving up the pill.

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