SlimCup: the anti-cellulite cup for an economical and do-it-yourself treatment that works!

It is useless to go around it, cellulite is an aesthetic problem that we just do not tolerate. And, for this reason, we are willing to try everything to see ourselves more toned and in shape, but often, the only thing we get is a waste of time and money, with a considerable level of frustration. C "is however a workaround you probably don't know about and we've tried for you, and hear, hear, it works! That's right, it is SlimCUP, an anti-cellulite cup that allows you to perform a do-it-yourself aesthetic treatment, using the "ancient Chinese technique of cupping, which, thanks to the" vacuum effect ", acts in depth, bringing a large amount of blood - and therefore nourishment - in the affected areas, favoring an important drainage and the elimination of body fluids, responsible for the accumulation of cushions and water retention.

Does the anti-cellulite cup work? That's why choose SlimCUP

We admit it, when we saw this cup, we were a bit skeptical and we wondered what it could have more than the classic creams or muds, but shortly after we realized that the difference lies precisely in the different approach to the aesthetic problem due to a more effective action, which does not stop only on the surface of the skin, but also reaches the deeper layers, thanks to the vacuum effect we were talking about earlier. Basically, the cup allows us to comfortably perform a lymphatic drainage connective tissue massage at home and whenever we want, the most effective technique against cellulite, which in professional beauty centers has a decidedly considerable cost.

We convinced ourselves to try it also because we were impressed by the guarantee offered: SlimCUP offers a full refund to all girls who - within 60 days and for whatever reason - were not satisfied with the cup. We said to ourselves: "If they can afford to offer this guarantee it will have to work!".

Another aspect that prompted us to try the anti-cellulite cup is that it is completely free of substances dangerous to health or contraindications. Also, let's not forget: it's cheap! It is in fact an expense that is easily amortized, as it can be used every day and lasts for years, unlike the treatments purchased in specialized centers.

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How the SlimCUP anti-cellulite cup works

Having said that, let's see what this precious do-it-yourself treatment consists of that helps us fight blemishes and cellulite without going crazy or spending a fortune.

The procedure is simple: you have to pass the anti-cellulite cup on the affected areas, squeezing with a certain intensity (for the first few times, however, do not overdo it), so as to favor the Skin Pull-Up ™ effect, to facilitate the elimination of interstitial liquids and lymphatics, freeing the cells from metabolic waste. In this way, through a process of lipolysis, the adipose heaps are dissolved and a sense of deflation and better drainage is obtained. Obviously, the more you squeeze the cup, the more you increase the intensity of the Skin Pull-Up ™ effect. To allow a better functioning of the cup, before proceeding with the do-it-yourself lymphatic drainage massage, apply a layer of massage oil, so as to facilitate the sliding of the slimcup on the affected areas. You can choose, as we did, the anti-stretch mark oil from Physiosal, a line of cosmetics based on whole sea salt.

The movement of the cup must take place from the bottom to the top of the leg: it starts with linear, then wavy and finally circular movements in the buttock area.

The ideal is to dedicate 8 minutes of massage per leg, at least 3 times a week, if you use two cups, obviously, you cut the time in half. Remember to drink at least two glasses of water at the end of the treatment, to facilitate the disposal of toxins that the anti-cellulite cup freed from the tissues.

Like everything, to get results, it is important to devote yourself to it consistently; after all, using the anti-cellulite cup is really comfortable and not at all demanding: you can even use it in the shower (using soap as a lubricant), when you watch TV or even if you are on the phone with a friend! moment when you take care of yourself and your well-being.

Another interesting feature is that SlimCUP, if applied immediately after the massage, improves the effectiveness of any anti-cellulite cream: thanks to the increase in blood circulation, the cream is able to penetrate deeper, amplifying its effect.

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Completely satisfied! Our opinion on SlimCUP

At the end of the treatment, which lasts about a month - but we intend to continue - we can be satisfied! More deflated, more toned and elastic skin and goodbye feeling of heaviness. What are you waiting for? Apply to Proven by You, to test yourself the effectiveness of the SlimCUP anti-cellulite cup and say goodbye to cellulite.

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