Little known early pregnancy symptoms

When you suspect you are pregnant, there are many doubts that haunt us, as every symptom can be traced back to the pregnant state. Nausea, vomiting, leg swelling, breast or back pain, pinkish vaginal discharge, aversion to certain foods or smells, are some of the most common symptoms that lead to pregnancy.

There are also less common symptoms that can still be traced back to being pregnant. We talk about them in this article, but first with a short video, we want to show you all the things not to do during pregnancy.

The best known and most frequent symptoms usually appear from the first weeks and can go on for a few months. Often morning sickness and some vaginal discharge can occur so early that you still don't realize you are pregnant.

However, during these first few months, and even later, some lesser known symptoms may occur, which are best to be aware of.

With the aim of not frightening mothers and resolving some of the most frequent doubts, we wanted to list in this article a series of little known pregnancy symptoms which, although less common, can also appear during the gestational phase.

While it is always said that every pregnancy is different, there are a number of stages that all women go through during these months, as well as symptoms that many women have suffered from and that are commonly talked about, but there are also some others that are not. they all know.

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1. Symptoms of pregnancy: epistaxis

Nosebleeds, better known as epistaxis, are one of the lesser known symptoms of pregnancy.

Their main cause is increased blood flow, as blood circulation increases 30% to 50% in pregnant women, which causes blood vessels in the nose to rupture and rupture, causing bleeding.

While there is no reason to be alarmed in most cases, it is important to see a doctor if the bleeding does not stop within minutes.

2. Diarrhea in pregnancy

One of the very common signs of pregnancy is stomach pain, which can be very intense in the first few months. Many women experience constipation, vomiting, and sometimes diarrhea during pregnancy.

The main cause is the hormonal changes that take place in the woman's body when she becomes pregnant.

Of course, if the diarrhea is severe, lasts for several days, or is accompanied by abdominal pain, it is best to go to the doctor for a check-up.

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3. Symptoms of pregnancy: gum cyst and bleeding

Gum cysts may appear during pregnancy. These are usually benign tumors that appear during the first trimester of pregnancy due to an increase in estrogen.

The most common thing is that they disappear spontaneously after childbirth and the hormonal balance is restored. However, if these cysts do not disappear after nine months of pregnancy, surgery may be necessary.

Bleeding gums or gingivitis are also usually another possible pregnancy symptom that can appear in pregnancy. For these reasons, it is highly advisable to have a thorough dental checkup during the months of pregnancy.

Also, following these tips can help prevent some mouth ailments:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day
  • Using dental floss
  • Use mouthwash
  • Go to the dentist for a cleaning once or twice a year to remove tartar

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4. Excessive sweating during pregnancy

Excessive sweating (both at night and during the day) is one of the most annoying symptoms that can occur during pregnancy; even if it is not always talked about, it is quite common.

It usually appears during the third trimester of pregnancy. Sweating can become more profuse and even stronger odor due to hormone changes. This can also worsen sensitivity to odors.

Women tend to retain more fluids as a rule and during pregnancy this aspect is further accentuated. There is also a dilation of blood vessels and this leads to an increase in body temperature and therefore to greater sweating.

It is also possible that excessive sweating during pregnancy is caused by emotional factors. To prevent these symptoms from becoming really annoying, we recommend that you:

  • Hydrate yourself a lot
  • Use light and natural fabrics
  • Wash often with mild detergents
  • Always keep the room temperature under control

If excess sweat causes serious problems, it is best to consult a dermatologist for a solution.

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5. Acne during pregnancy

It is one of the rarer symptoms, but it can also be caused by hormonal changes. It does not necessarily have to appear on the face, but it can also occur on other parts of the body such as the back.

To deal with this problem, always consult your gynecologist about the best treatment for you. This is important because the most commonly used options for treating acne are usually contraindicated during pregnancy.

6. Symptoms of pregnancy: increased myopia

It is rare, but it may be that myopia increases during pregnancy due to the alteration of the hormones that pregnancy involves. If you start to have blurred vision or to see spots, go to your gynecologist so that he can advise you on what to do.

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7. Cramps during pregnancy

Feeling leg cramps while sleeping or moving around a lot at night during the months of pregnancy is known as restless legs syndrome.

The sensation of the muscle stiffening while sleeping is another symptom that many pregnant women suffer from.

Although it may be simply fatigue, anemia could be the cause of this symptom, a problem many women suffer from during their first pregnancy. As we always recommend, consult your gynecologist so that he can choose the right treatment for you. .

8. Feeling of full bladder

With the first months of pregnancy, the desire to urinate constantly begins to emerge. This is because the uterus begins to expand and compress the bladder. This increases the need to urinate and increases the risk of urinary tract infections.

To avoid this risk, the ideal is to drink plenty of water and take particular care of intimate hygiene throughout pregnancy. You will prevent these urine infections from damaging the development of the embryo.

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Other little known symptoms of pregnancy

During the first trimester, which is the first stage of pregnancy, the symptoms are very noticeable. During this period it is normal for symptoms of fatigue and other less frequent symptoms to appear and you should be aware of.

One of these is excessive salivation, a discomfort that usually occurs during the first months of pregnancy and which, although the exact cause is not known, is linked to nausea or vomiting and, again, to hormonal changes. . If this happens to you, don't worry, because it is a very common symptom, even if it is not that common.

The stomach suffers a lot during the first weeks of pregnancy due to this, bowel movements increase and more gas is produced. This phenomenon can be alleviated by eating as healthy as possible, preferring natural foods, and cutting down on all others.

Another symptom that many pregnant women say they observe is increased body and facial hair. This can be annoying if we want to put on makeup or a short dress, but it can also make our hair stronger and shinier. in this case the cause is to be found in the hormones, especially the androgynous ones, which are produced mainly during the first three months of pregnancy.

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Finally, another little known symptom during pregnancy is snoring. This occurs mostly in the third trimester and occurs if the airways are blocked. Weight gain during pregnancy or asthma are risk factors that affect this aspect.

All of these symptoms will not affect carrying the pregnancy to term and it is not certain that they will happen to all women; in any case, except for some minor disturbances, you will be able to fully enjoy the joy of becoming a mother.

For any doubts or questions, consult the gynecologist who will follow you throughout the gestational process and do not hesitate to report even the smallest of the symptoms you feel.

Also, if you want to learn more about some foods that can boost your fertility, click on the album below.

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