Natural remedies for sunburn and burns

If the natural remedies for sunburn are very effective, in the case of burns (especially second or third degree burns) it is always better to avoid doing it yourself and contact your doctor. If you have simply taken too much sun and want to relieve the sting of sunburn, natural remedies such as a vera halo gel or apple cider vinegar can be very useful! Let's find out which are the most effective remedies for sunburn and burns.

Sunburns and burns: what damage do they cause to the skin?

Sunburns are nothing more than skin irritations due to prolonged exposure to sunlight and heat. They can affect the skin of the face, but also that of the shoulders, legs and back. This is often caused by the imprudence of those who expose themselves to the sun without careful sun protection and during the hottest hours, which should be avoided, especially in summer. In case it unfortunately happens, it is always good to rush to remedies for sunburn, if only to relieve redness and burning.

Sunburn, when prolonged and repeated, can lead to the development of erythema and burns, which could lead to melanoma, or skin cancer. This is why it is so important to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and without protection on the skin! Sunbathing gives great benefits to the body (first of all vitamin D!), But you should never overdo it.

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What to do in case of a burn?

A "burn can be caused not only by" exposure to the sun, but - in general - by excessive heat, electrical currents, chemicals or radiant substances that are too intense. Burns can be of the first degree, usually caused by sunburn or contact with boiling water: despite the strong burning, these are the least severe burns, which do not leave scars.

Second-degree burns, on the other hand, not only affect the upper layers of the skin, but also the intermediate ones, leaving blisters: even in this case, they will heal without scars, but it will take longer. Finally, third-degree burns are the most serious because they penetrate the innermost layer of the skin, also affecting nerve endings and lymphatic vessels. This type of burn often leaves scars and numbness in the area of ​​the skin affected by the sunburn.

If you have a burn (especially third degree), contact your doctor immediately! Avoid removing the residues of clothes from the skin, especially if they are already welded to it, and immediately immerse the affected area in cold water.After leaving it in cold water for at least a quarter of an hour, cover the skin with a wet sterile gauze.

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Natural remedies for sunburn

In the event that it is not real burns, but simple sunburns, natural remedies can be very useful to immediately remove that sense of burning and redness from your skin. The first of the most effective natural remedies for sunburn is aloe vera gel: aloe vera has a truly exceptional disinfectant and moisturizing power! You can also use it in case of sunburn on the face.

Another of the most useful natural remedies are cold compresses, to be made - for example - with calendula and chamomile, a truly effective mix! Calendula regenerates the skin, while chamomile soothes it. You can also replace the latter with lavender essential oil, which has an equally soothing power. Prepare the decoction first, then let it cool and soak gauze in it to pass over the skin.

In addition to the essential oil of lavender, effective remedies against the burning of sunburn are also the essential oil of mint and the essential oil of eucalyptus, both very refreshing: they will give you immediate relief!

One of the typical natural remedies for "grandmother's" burns is to apply potato slices to the burns, holding them firmly on the skin for about 20-30 minutes. The potato, in fact, has a known decongestant and anti-inflammatory power, excellent for getting rid of burning and itching!

You can also make compresses with milk, cold water and ice: milk will help you rehydrate, while cold water and ice will be super-refreshing. If, on the other hand, you prefer lukewarm baths, you can prepare one with baking soda and oatmeal: baking soda has known disinfectant properties, while oatmeal has emollient properties and will help moisturize the skin and prevent flaking.

A lukewarm bath can also be made with another super-effective ingredient: apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar stimulates the production of melanin and is able to both relieve the sting of sunburn and disinfect them. Cucumbers can be equally disinfectant and rehydrating: apply cold slices directly on the burn, you will feel what a relief!

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Do natural remedies also work against burns?

If yours is not a simple sunburn, but a real burn, be very careful: the natural remedies mentioned above should not be applied over the burned area, or they could make the situation worse! The burn should not even be rubbed, just as ice should not be used to cool it, but cold water.

Natural remedies can be used on burns only after a thorough medical diagnosis, and especially only on lighter first and second degree burns. Among the natural remedies recommended for burns, in a second moment, we find once again the aloe vera gel, calendula, St. John's wort oil.

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