Knowing how to say no

Weigh the pros and cons
There are situations where a negative answer is out of place. For example, if a colleague asks you for a hand in a case because at that moment she has personal problems, it is better to accept. On the other hand, if you feel that a loan request is distressing and irritating you, refuse! Before answering, take stock: what you feel you must guide you in your choices.

take your time
Often, you feel trapped and accept an invitation or an overload of work because you are faced with a fait accompli. But why respond immediately? Ask for a moment to think before giving an answer.

No more guilt
If the question is asked, it means that an affirmative answer is not automatic. You therefore have every right to refuse to lend € 500 to a colega or to postpone a dinner invitation with your parents. This doesn't make you a monster! Your loved ones are able to understand that you cannot be constantly at their disposal and they will not take it out on you!

See also

Dreaming of the ex boyfriend: what does it mean?

Bad phrases: the sharpest to say to those who make us angry

Orbiting: what it means to orbit around a person

Get ready
Practice saying no. Prepare standard responses to give when you feel like responding negatively to a request: "I'm so sorry, but I just can't"; "Unfortunately it is not possible" ; "Unfortunately I am not able to help you" ... Repeat them mentally, so when the time comes you will be ready. Once you are faced with the question, do not hesitate to affirm your will by repeating within yourself: "I have the right to express my opinions", "I will not sacrifice myself to please him", "I am not available to others "...

Be diplomatic
Use a little tact when you give a negative answer to your interlocutor. Avoid sending your friend to that country when she asks you for a favor. Instead, tell her that you are sorry but that you just can't help her. A polite and diplomatic response will be easier to accept.

Propose a solution
If it costs you to say no and you can't help but feel guilty, propose an alternative: "I can't babysit your daughter next Saturday, but if you want I can take care of it the following week." Your interlocutor will appreciate your good will.

Tags:  Old-Test - Psyche Actuality Parenthood