Cinemas, discos, festivals and summer camps: openings from 15 June

From 15 June it will be possible to actually talk about "phase 3". After the two-month lockdown, we are gradually approaching "normality". A normality under the banner, however, of social distancing and protective masks. From Monday 15 June, the guidelines established by the Government for the reopening of those activities left on stand-by until now will be applied: discos, festivals, cinemas and summer camps for children. Let's see, then, what are the new rules for an intelligent and aware restart.


Back to dancing, cheers! But forget the slow dances and the crowds we were used to and that, perhaps, we didn't like that much. In fact, people are obliged to stay at least 2 meters away on the dance floor and 1 meter in the surrounding spaces. Access will be staggered and, where possible, entry and exit routes will be distinguished to avoid gatherings. Everyone, customers and service personnel, must wear a mask in closed spaces, while outdoors only if it is not possible to respect the distance meter. Finally, the consumption of drinks at the counter and standing up is strictly prohibited.

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Cinemas, theaters and concert halls:

Finally we will be able to return to enjoy the performing arts in all their majesty, but not without some essential rules such as: prohibition of consuming food and drinks and the retail sale of foodstuffs during the staging, interpersonal distancing (even between artists on the stage), measurement of body temperature for spectators, artists and professionals and, finally, the obligation of a mask for those who attend the shows.

Festivals and fairs:

In addition to masks and social distancing, in these commercial contexts it will be necessary to sanitize the hands especially if the purchase of a particular product involves its manipulation by the customer. In addition, traders are strongly advised to have disposable gloves to offer to customers.

Summer centres:

From Monday, children aged three and over will be able to return to summer camps. Memberships will prioritize families who need it most. But how will this return take place? First of all, there are contingent admissions after measuring the fever. All activities must be carried out under the supervision of the operators. The little ones will be instructed on the need to wash their hands frequently and avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth. For everyone, young and old, it will be mandatory to keep a distance of one meter and, in certain cases, to wear a mask.

Tags:  Properly Horoscope Fashion