The first steps of children: the exciting point of view of mothers

In collaboration with Chicco

Sara, aka Gingiorgina - 24 hours a day mom, tells us about her #wemoments with Filippo and Olivia: how did they learn to walk? How many times have they fallen and stood up? Olga, from the blog, tells us about the first steps of Niccolò, Edoardo and Bianca Zoe ... and finally Alessandra, from, tells us how her little Francesco, day after day, is becoming more curious in the world that surrounds it.


Let's start with Sara's experience.

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When did your child start walking?

"And when did your son start walking?" Who has never heard this question knock a beat! Usually it follows: "My son very early" or vice versa "My daughter very late" Here, we mothers are like this, we do not have half measures. But let's not digress ... My children are incredibly opposed, here, again the rule of "half measures", I also fall for it ...
Filippo started walking at 17 months, yes, he didn't want to know, 15 kg of baby, how he could lift himself, how to blame him, a real meatloaf. The sister in swaddling clothes, on the contrary, already wanted to start, there was the risk that Olivia would start earlier than 2 years younger! Is it possible that she has both children of the same zodiac sign with the same ascendant with opposite characters ?? !!! Paolo Fox explain to me why !!

Walking and talking - does it happen at the same time?

Moms, let's be clear right away, there is no real age to start. There are those who say that walking and talking are related ... Boh! Filippo started walking and talking late, Olivia the opposite so this rule is not valid for me! Are females more awake? Maybe! I have always tried not to fidget with every fall, I have always encouraged my children to get up and left them the freedom to move. Soon your baby will become more stable, he will no longer seek your hand or your support, and every time he falls he will get up again without too many problems and do you know why? Because it is growing!

The right shoes: how to choose them

It is necessary to choose the most suitable shoes for their first steps ... to favor the right way of walking and standing. And it is with this aspect in mind that I chose the shoes of the Imparo Chicco Line: they have a particular sole with different thicknesses that allows the right foot support. And away, your children will start running and you with them!

Do not be in a hurry and fear, every child has their own times, just try to accommodate their decisions and help them move with the help of a simple finger of yours. You will remember the first steps of your children for a lifetime.

Little tips from mom to mom

Those small steps will be their first real obstacle to overcome to start being more independent: you will get excited! The only precautions to be taken are to secure the house. When I was pregnant with Olivia I was following Filippo's first steps, a tragedy… a struggle! Running after him was hard, but when he detached for the first time I couldn't believe my eyes, a unique emotion that lasted 3 seconds because then he immediately made a tumble! Olivia on the contrary started running and never stopped. first symptoms of her wild streak, no one stops her, a real volcano that climbed everywhere. They were impressive moments, they became more autonomous and freer, but they still need me, to accompany them on their journey and their dad, and we are here ready to lead them and give them our little hand as in the past!

© Sara Turatello


Olga also tells us about the first steps of her three children.

The first steps are a special milestone

14 months: this is the exact age at which all my children launched into the magical world of bipeds starting to walk alone. I am sure that if I were to have a fourth child he too (or she, because it would be a she!) Would walk at 14 months.Legend has it (or rather my mother) that I started "running" - thus skipping the uncertain walk phase - on the evening of my first birthday during the family celebrations: shouts of joy from relatives and immense satisfaction of the parents. Of course, there are no photos that immortalize the event: due to the speed of my walk or the limp memory of my mother? It is not known! What is certain is that, despite my "early" steps, at the age of 33, I have not yet passed the tumble and falls phase: the slip I took during the first date with my husband remains famous.

Falling and getting up: Niccolò and his first steps

Niccolò, my eldest son, walked his first uncertain meters in Puglia, on the beach. He had turned one in July and, in August, on vacation, we took an intensive sea walking course. I have an entire album of beautiful sunset photos in which my dad or I help him make his first big leap towards independence and autonomy. Of those moments I remember joy and amazement, open arms to welcome that child who only a few months before was a puppy curled up on my belly, his smile with dimples and the desire to discover the world just beyond his mother and of his dad. We practiced a lot and went back to town with a little runner who was still in need of our hand. Only one day in the nursery was enough - or rather a couple of hours - to make the teacher exclaim at the exit "Mamma Olga, Niccolò has started walking alone!". "Cooooosa ????" And I who gave up on evening aperitifs based on burrata, primitivo and fried pizza in order to make him exercise during the cool hours of sunset and be ready to immortalize the event?

Edoardo and the holidays in Puglia

Even Edoardo has decided to look at the world from up here on holiday in Puglia (not that I organize holidays in that region because it is a wish for my children, we simply go there every year), he, as the second child who has to do it himself , aided by the support of a small broom to clean the yard - his favorite toy of the time. Once again, the event did not take place in favor of the camera but only in favor of the grandmother who, as in the best traditions, spread her bathing suits in the sun (while, in fact, the 14-month-old grandson was dusting). “I think Edo started walking by himself”, “But how DO I BELIEVE?”, “Yes, come on, I think so; who wants a frisa with freshly picked tomatoes? "IOOOOO!"

Bianca Zoe learns to walk in the city

And Bianca Zoe? As a third child she started walking in the city (other than holidays!) And probably to escape the good-natured assaults of her brothers. In fact, immediately after taking the first steps, she headed determinedly and confidently towards the front door with her shoes in hand! You say he had been planning an escape for some time? In reality, I have a very sweet video of Bianca Zoe in which she begins to take a few shy steps while Nic and Edo cheer her on and applaud her and then hug her, very happy with this great achievement that has changed their way of playing and the dynamics between siblings. . Seeing the joy and awe on their faces was extraordinary. Unique and special moments from which, however, a thousand doubts can arise.

The right shoe for every child

"What will be the shoe to use for my baby's first steps?" Choosing the right shoe for every age and every foot is one of the gestures of love and care that we mothers can make. For Bianca Zoe I have been using for a few months (before she learned to walk independently) the Chicco Imparo shoes (which did not yet exist "at the time" of Nic and Edo!). This year, however, there is a new line of shoes designed for them too, a different shoe, to guide the increasingly evolved movements of the foot, support their runs and their jumps: Chicco In Progress. Speaking of racing, my children's new favorite pastime is playing a particular type of hide-and-seek they devised: the turbo-hide in which we hide running like trains and which causes great cuddles to myself. And do you know what the truth is? The little one of the house despite the lack of experience in terms of walking falls much less than her brothers and is the most stable of the three, girl power?

© Olga Zappalà


Alessandra, on the other hand, tells of how little Francesco is acquiring a bit of independence.

Little Francesco

Only a few days ago Francesco was born, 3 of us returned from the hospital when he was as small as a little wrinkle ... it seems to me that only a few days have passed, and instead, six months have already passed. Six months which for me are completely flown, almost at the speed of light. Weaning and his first meals have already arrived, Francesco has then learned to grasp objects, to sit, and his big eyes are already open to the world. His curious gaze is always constantly attracted from colors and lights, always looking for objects to grab, and then even nibble.

Gain independence with the help of mom and dad

Francesco is already acquiring his independence, he turns and turns on himself, and with so much tenacity and failed crawling attempts he almost always succeeds in his intent. It arrives wherever he wants, rolls rolls rolls and then he clings with all the strength he has, concentrating it in his legs ... and I am there that I love to observe his pleased gaze after every little conquest. I am there, and I will always be there, observing him in silence and behind him. I'll be there when he needs my hand to take his first steps with courage. I'll be there when he finds his first knees peeled, I'll be there to give him confidence and whisper that yes, he can do it, he can always do it !! Each goal will be an achievement, each of these achievements is and will be a #wemoment that we add and will add to the heart box of our memories.

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