Skin leeks: natural remedies that really work

It always happens like this: while you soap in the shower or spread the moisturizer your fingers encounter small growths that are absolutely not harmful to health but certainly not pleasant, indeed they can cause stress and discomfort. These are leeks and warts: very often these growths affect our hands and feet or more hidden areas of our body and which are very common in young subjects with somewhat low immune defenses. They are never congenital but they are very common: think that 25% of adults have some of these imperfections on their body!

In nature there are many remedies to eliminate them and stop their reappearance. One of these natural remedies - you would never have known - is aloe vera, a precious plant with a thousand virtues that comes to meet us even in our little fight against leeks and warts!

Skin leeks: how to recognize them

Leeks, also called skin tags, are benign mini skin growths, they are not dangerous at all but are unsightly and can also cause various kinds of discomfort. They have a viral origin (the responsible virus is the Papilloma virus (HPV): so be careful! Skin leeks are contagious and the incubation of the virus can take place even in 6 months. Often the infection occurs by touching the wart or when the towel itself : a lot also depends on the state of health we have and on our immune defenses. Another cause of their appearance can be diabetes or overweight. But it is also true that they could also be caused by rubbing (not surprisingly they appear in areas subjected to with constant rubbing: hands, feet, neck, armpits, chest) Warts, however, mix in different areas of the skin of the same subject: touching frequently you risk finding yourself with many more warts in a short time.
Normally they are gray-yellow in color: you can find them frequently on knees, feet and also on the hands but in this area they take on an already brown color, and the shape of a lentil.

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Other types of warts

In addition to the common warts, leeks, there are other types of warts. Those plantars, which are located on the sole of the foot (often at first glance they might seem like calluses), the flat ones, which are flat and not too large, have a pink color and usually affect the face or arms, the thread-like ones, detached pieces of skin, which form around the mouth or nose and finally the periungual ones which, as the name implies, grow around the nails or even on the nails themselves and are usually the most painful type of warts. We will discover together all the most effective natural remedies to eliminate leeks.

If you are a lover of organic care for your body, remember that nature always provides us with the right products for every need of our body!

See also: Argan, sweet almonds and shea: when body care is organic

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Natural remedies for skin leeks

There are cases where warts and their own disappear on their own within a few years. However, if we have a skin leek that represents an aesthetic problem for us and causes some embarrassment, we can try to eliminate it with one of the many natural remedies that exist. The rule of constancy applies to everyone: essential for having evident results in a short time. Discover them all and then choose your favorite!
Potato. Cut a potato into thin slices and apply it on the side for 5 minutes, a couple of times every day for at least ten days.
Garlic. Make a compress with grated garlic and oil oil, apply it on the leek by covering it with a band-aid. To be repeated every day for a week.
Aloe vera. Aloe vera is a grandmother's remedy famous for its effectiveness against leeks. The anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera will solve the problem in a few days by applying aloe gel on the leek every day.

© Amazon

> 100% Pure Aloe Vera Gel is available on Amazon for € 12.59

Essential oils. Another powerful remedy is essential oils. In herbal medicine you will find mixes to eliminate leeks and warts to be applied every day for a period of about a month or in any case until the wart disappears. These mixes contain essential oil of oregano, juniper, cloves and savory.
Apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is also an excellent solution against skin leeks. Just soak a cotton ball in vinegar and rub it on the area several times a day for several days.
Tea Tree Oil. This highly antibacterial preparation is a valuable aid for many skin problems, including leeks and warts. The area should be dabbed with a cotton pad soaked in tea tree oil twice a day for at least a month.

© Amazon

> Naturando Tea Tree Oil Puro 100% can be purchased on Amazon on offer at € 7.30

0 minutes Pimple mask: the do-it-yourself recipe!
  • Charcoal
  • distilled water
  • honey
  • Lavender essential oil

Skin leeks: when is a dermatologist needed?

If the leeks are inflamed, if they cause pain, if they bleed or if they are located in a particularly uncomfortable and rubbing point of the body, it is good to ask your dermatologist for an opinion. If home remedies don't work, your dermatologist can recommend alternative solutions to get rid of skin leeks. Among the most used techniques there is liquid nitrogen to be sprayed directly on the leek, the use of lasers, cryotherapy, or electrocoagulation. In the most difficult cases, surgical treatment with a scalpel is chosen. Some of these treatments require the use of a mild anesthesia (for example an ointment) but are generally not very painful and only last a few minutes. If you choose to remove a leek for aesthetic reasons, always consider that it could also recur in the same area.

Good habits for preventing skin leeks

There are also some virtuous behaviors to avoid the appearance and reappearance of annoying and unsightly skin leeks: wash your hands often, do not touch leeks and warts on your body or that of another person, do not use other people's towels, keep always dry hands and feet and if you go to the gym or swimming pool, never take a shower with bare feet but always with slippers!

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