Leaks in pregnancy: what they mean and how to behave

Losses in pregnancy are one of the things that most alarms the expectant mother. The most worrying are the red or brownish secretions, because they immediately suggest a threat of abortion, but in general we must admit that it is difficult to remain calm. What is the meaning of these vaginal discharge? Better to be examined immediately by your gynecologist? to deepen the question, below there is a useful video on the subject of abortion.

The most common causes of pregnancy losses

Losses in pregnancy are very common, especially in the first trimester period and can happen to 15-25% of pregnant women.
Already in the first two weeks after conception, some slight loss due to the implantation of the embryo can be observed. The cervix can also bleed more easily during pregnancy because it is supplied with more blood in the 9 months before delivery. In addition, it can happen that you have spotting or slight discharge after sexual intercourse or for example after a Pap smear or pelvic exam.

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy can have several causes. some more or less serious. They can occur both early in gestation and later, but it is very common for them to occur in the first trimester. In many cases they are not a problem. It is always good to notify your gynecologist when a leak occurs.

See also

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First month of pregnancy: symptoms and advice on how to behave

Yellow losses in pregnancy: why they appear and what are the remedies

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Among the causes of pregnancy losses are:

  • miscarriage

A miscarriage can occur in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. It can happen, although very rare, and the first signs are: loss and abdominal cramps.
However, about half of the women who have had a miscarriage had no discharge as an initial symptom. With the miscarriage, some of the material may have remained in the uterus and a scraping may be needed to remove it.

  • threat of abortion

There is a threat of miscarriage when bleeding occurs in a pregnancy that is initially recognized as normal, before the 24th week. That is, although the ultrasound has shown the presence of the embryo, the patient has vaginal bleeding.

  • ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic (or ectopic) pregnancy occurs when the embryo nestles outside the uterus: in most cases, nesting occurs in one of the tubes, but it can also occur in the abdominal cavity, in the neck of the uterus. or in the ovaries. This phenomenon is very rare, but it can cause losses as a signal that should not be underestimated.

  • infections

Some of the more common vaginal infections can also lead to discharge. These include candida, herpes, chlamydia and gonorrhea.

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All types of pregnancy losses and their significance

Transparent pregnancy losses

During pregnancy, it is normal to have more abundant discharge, as hormones increase vaginal secretion to prepare for the development of the fetus.
Often these are physiological losses that have a watery or filamentous appearance, transparent in color and odorless. Unfortunately it will be very easy to wet the briefs, but it is better to change them often or use cotton panty liners. Attention instead to the classic panty liners, which, preventing perspiration, in the long run could favor the onset of infections. Continuously washing the private parts will not help to make the leaks disappear, nor will use specific detergents. Continue to follow the rules of normal hygiene daily, avoiding soapy and foaming substances that damage the lipid film that protects the skin and mucous membranes of the vulva.

White vaginal discharge

As for white vaginal discharge, we have dedicated an article specifically for all pregnant women, who will be able, in this way, to avoid unnecessary alarmism. Find it here: white discharge in pregnancy.

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Dark red or brown pregnancy losses

In the first trimester of pregnancy it may happen to observe small dark red spots on the panties, which can sometimes also be a color similar to brown. What are they caused by? The main reason for this phenomenon is to be found in hormonal changes, but it can also happen after sexual intercourse or a gynecological examination (sometimes it is easy for some capillaries to break). If you suffer from constipation, the origin could be a small fissure or a hemorrhoid.
In rarer cases it could be the so-called false menstruation, i.e. slight losses on the days when your period should have arrived. In this case, these are usually very minor losses, lasting only a few hours or at most a day.

Bright red vaginal discharge

If, on the other hand, vaginal discharge during pregnancy is bright red, accompanied by pelvic pain, it could actually signal a threat of abortion or an incomplete adhesion of the placenta to the uterine wall. In this case, it is better to contact your doctor or at the emergency room.

In conclusion, we have seen that blood loss is quite frequent, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, but even if it occurs at other times, it should never be neglected. It is true that fortunately, if there are no complications, in most cases they do not have a negative meaning, however the fact remains that if you are pregnant and you happen to experience something strange as it could be a type of loss, it is better to warn the doctor to calm down.

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Losses in pregnancy in the second and third trimester

Although so far we have said that most of the losses in pregnancy occur in the first trimester, it is worth knowing that they can also appear in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. And the reasons are different.
The most common cause of vaginal bleeding in the last two trimesters of pregnancy are problems with the placenta. What are they caused by? Here are the causes.

  • Detachment of the placenta

The placenta detaches from the walls of the uterus, but instead of remaining a physiological phenomenon that occurs after the birth of the baby, it occurs during gestation, causing losses. These will be all the more evident the more the detachment is extended. is limited, there should be no risk for the continuation of the pregnancy. On the contrary, if the detachment is extended, it is necessary to intervene promptly to safeguard the health of both the future mother and the fetus; in some cases it may be necessary to carry out a caesarean section urgently.

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  • Placenta previa

Placenta previa occurs when implantation does not take place in the upper part, but in the lower part of the uterus, near or in correspondence with the cervical canal, through which the fetus passes during birth. Even in this case, the bleeding will be caused by a detachment of the placenta: if in fact, the uterus tends to increase in size as the pregnancy proceeds, the placenta is made up of inextensible tissue, which therefore cannot follow the expansion of the uterus, and will inevitably separate from it. Losses in pregnancy due to the placenta occur only in the most advanced stages, and once the problem has been identified, the expectant mother will be constantly monitored, to assess the appropriate time to perform the caesarean section.

  • End of pregnancy

Small blood losses can occur right at the end of gestation, often at the exit of the mucous plug, which indicates the approach of the onset of labor. the losses may be caused by the dilation of the cervix that is preparing for the birth of the baby. Furthermore, during labor, the cervix can also bleed due to changes due to contractions.

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