For the same dress, a woman pays more than a man (photo)

Feminine hygiene products cost 4% more than men's, we knew that. The inequality between men and women, however, does not end there.

A recent survey carried out by the BOF newspaper showed a rather substantial price difference between men's and women's purchases. Although the product is almost identical, the XX chromosomes will pay more for it than the XY ones. Most of these brands adhere to this unspoken initiative with the exception of Alexander Wang who makes men spend a little more.
Same design, same cut, color and fabric: only the gender of the buyer changes.

© Valentino Valentino pull: € 1 980 / € 1 590 See also

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Many brands have not gone too far on the issue but, fortunately, Saint Laurent tried to give an answer. Women's garments require more detail and therefore require more time. In fact, especially in the universe of luxury, these dresses need attention: but what is the justification for sports or casual collections?
At the base there is a psychological game: according to us women, high price is synonymous with high quality.

This practice of inflated payments is a reality in several sectors: hairdressing, food ... Equality is still a long way off.

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