Pansexual: when gender doesn't matter in sexuality

There is nothing more beautiful than living one's sexuality in total freedom and following one's inclinations without taboos and without allowing oneself to be influenced by the judgment of others. Of course, some unexpected events can always happen ...

  1. · Human sexuality is complex
  2. · What does pansexual mean?
  3. · Pansexual and bisexual: the differences
  4. · Why is pansexuals talked about so little?
  5. Coming out

Human sexuality is complex

Human sexuality as we know includes different and multiple possible combinations between individuals. When we talk about sexuality we must always remember that as in all things there is no black or white but infinite shades made of different tastes, needs and choices: the sexual sphere includes heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality and pansexuality. Perhaps the least known and the one we talk about least of all, is precisely pansexuality on which a bit of mystery sometimes hovers. By continuing to read, you will discover all the characteristics of this sexual inclination and what need and pleasure lies behind a pansexual choice that considers the attraction but not the man-woman genders of sexuality!

See also

Sex in menopause: sexuality in this delicate phase of change

Sexuality test: how are you in bed? How does your partner perceive you?

Fluid sexuality: when the attraction escapes the standard categories

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What does pansexual mean?

The term pansexual refers to a sexuality characterized by attraction towards an individual regardless of the sex they belong to. This means that for the pansexual gender does not matter, it does not matter in the activation of that complicated mechanism that regulates attraction to another person. Therefore, the pansexual can feel attracted both to people who recognize themselves under the label of man or woman and to all those people who do not recognize themselves in this sexual binary and who do not identify with a gender. The pansexual, also called panromantic, is interested in a person regardless of gender. If we analyze the word pansexual for a moment, we will be able to fully understand the meaning and also the misunderstanding that often characterizes it.
The term is in fact formed from the Greek prefix PAN which means “everything”. However, we must not be deceived by the meaning of the Greek word pan, because pansexual does not mean that we are attracted to all the people on the planet, or to all the things that exist in nature, but simply that we are attracted to individuals of all kinds and of all types: this is why pansexuality is the freest form of sexuality, because it lacks any type of conditioning or social convention. At this point, pansexual love should not be intense, therefore, as a generalized love towards everyone or even more wrongly towards objects or natural elements but simply as a love towards individuals who do not need labels!

Pansexual and bisexual: the differences

To understand the difference between these two aspects of sexuality, it is necessary to analyze the distinction made at the beginning. In fact, those who are bisexual feel their attraction for the male and female gender, for men and women, that is, for people who still recognize themselves in this binary distinction of the male-female sexes. The pansexual, on the other hand, feels attraction for all kinds, like the bisexual, but also for those people who do not recognize themselves in a gender label.The pansexual does not consider the gender of those in front of him, he feels love, physical and mental attraction towards an individual beyond his gender appearance and therefore regardless of any type of label and convention!

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Why is there so little talk of pansexuals?

One of the reasons why pansexuality is the subject of less attention and less reflection is probably the difficulty of fully understanding its characteristics and differentiating it from bisexuality.
Sometimes it is attributed a purely romantic and idyllic aspect which, however, contributes to confusing ideas. Surely it is still an infrequent sexual choice and this means that it can be confused with a fashion, with the desire to stand out by being the spokesperson for a counter-current and alternative message.
In Italy we talk about pansexuality for the first time in 1977 The term pansexual is used by Mario Mieli in one of his works, Elements of homosexual criticism.
In film or literary culture there are already several examples of pansexuality, this means that in any case there is a growing attention to this type of sexuality. We find pansexual protagonists in the TV series Doctor Who, they are also talked about in Sex and the City where it is considered as the sexuality of the new millennium. There is no shortage of examples of pansexuality even in comics: for example, Marvel's anti-hero Deadpool is pansexual, did you know that?

Coming out

As always happens, the lack of knowledge of a phenomenon generates a lack of understanding of the phenomenon itself. The coming out of a homosexual person is now taken seriously, as a conscious choice. In the case of pansexuals, there is still the foolish prejudice that no individual can like everything, that one must still decide in life. This misunderstanding often leads to underestimating a pansexual person's coming out. Sexuality, on the other hand, takes into account many factors and any choice, inclination and idea deserves the same respect. What matters is to feel good, have fun, love each other, like each other.
Love is love!

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