Weekly horoscope from 6 to 12 April 2020: Mercury enters Aries!

Aries: welcome, Mercury!

Dear Aries, this week the planet Mercury will enter your sign: a rather eventful period is beginning for you, in which interpersonal relationships will be favored (even at a distance!) And some good news could arrive. But be careful: Mercury will not be in your sign until Sunday. During the rest of the week, you may experience some very nervous moments, especially between Tuesday and Wednesday.

Taurus: what a stress!

Dear Taurus, Mars in a bad position for your sign - along with an equally unfavorable Saturn - makes you feel tired and stressed. The days of Thursday and Friday, in particular, risk being really heavy, with the moon also in opposition. Fortunately, you can count on the planet Mercury which, until Sunday, guarantees you the support and support of family and friends, ready to always be by your side!

See also

April zodiac sign: are you Aries or Taurus?

Aries ascendant: personality and main characteristics

Aries Leo ascendant: a fiery personality

Gemini: Long live love!

Dear Gemini, this very long transit of Venus in your sign will bring real revolutions in your love life: little by little you will understand the importance of a special person who - perhaps - you had underestimated or taken for granted. Starting from Sunday, the planet Mercury also returns to smile at you, promising you good news soon. Nervous days on Saturday and Sunday, with the moon in opposition.

Cancer: lucky moon!

Dear Cancer, until Sunday you can count on the support of Mercury, ready to guarantee the support and approval of the people around you. From next week, unfortunately, it will be easier for some disagreements to arise, even in the family. Meanwhile, enjoy the lucky moon days, those of Monday, Thursday and Friday. Between Tuesday and Wednesday, however, some tension could arise with the partner.

Leo: Venus takes care of it!

Dear Leo, it is not an easy time for your sign, forced to endure the opposition of Mars and that of Saturn, which risk creating problems for you both in the personal and professional fields. Grit your teeth, things will get better sooner than you imagine! In the meantime, you will be forced to deal with a lot of stress, especially on Thursday and Friday. Fortunately, Venus takes care of giving you a smile by putting a special person by your side!

Virgo: Mercury returns to smile at you!

Dear Virgo, this Sunday - finally - the planet Mercury will stop being in opposition to your sign and will return to smile at you. Until that day, you will have to endure some more stress and tension, especially in your interpersonal relationships. Some more discussions may arise with the partner, often due to futile reasons and a bit of nervousness at home. Bet everything on the lucky moon day, that of Monday, and check if your partner is inclined to cheat:

Libra: step forward!

Dear Libra, starting from Sunday, unfortunately, you will have to deal with the opposition of Mercury, which could lead to slowdowns and blockages in the workplace or communication problems with those around you. Then use this week to make proposals or come forward, and don't wait! Tuesday and Wednesday in particular will be two super-lucky days, with a beautiful moon in the sign!

Scorpio: days full of love!

Dear Scorpio, this week you will have a beautiful moon to illuminate your days, ready to give you emotions and a lot of luck. Thursday and Friday, in particular, will be two days to remember, in which love will be the real protagonist ... unfavorable Mars and Saturn, however, will not stop making you feel a little tired and under stress. Luckily there will be someone able to make you forget your worries ...

Sagittarius: heart problems ...

Dear Sagittarius, it is not an easy time for your sign from the point of view of feelings: Venus is in opposition and will stay there for a long time… This is an important time to focus on your relationship and understand what you really want. Beware of family tensions on Monday, when an unfavorable moon will make you very nervous. Better on Saturday and Sunday.

Capricorn: take advantage of Mercury!

Dear Capricorn, use as much as possible this week to fine-tune your plans and seek an agreement: starting on Sunday, when Mercury is no longer favorable to your sign, you may have more difficulties in asserting yourself. Thursday and Friday will be two particularly lucky days, favored by the moon. Some possible mishap between Tuesday and Wednesday.

Aquarius: towards the revolution!

Dear Aquarius, this will be a week of great strength for you: you have the planet Mars and the planet Saturn in conjunction, both ready to give you the energy you need to revolutionize your life. And if the big changes do not arrive before 2021, already now you will be able to guess which is the right direction for you ... Favorable Venus gives you days full of love and in particular those of Saturday and Sunday, super-romantic!

Pisces: an extra gear!

Dear Pisces, until Sunday you can still count on the conjunction of Mercury, ready to give you an edge in the workplace and in your relationships. Friday and Saturday will be two particularly lucky days from this point of view, while on Monday - with the moon in opposition - you may experience a little more tension. Between Saturday and Sunday some discussion with the partner is possible.

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