Weekly horoscope from 10 to 16 September 2018: Venus in Scorpio!

Aries: strength and energy!

Dear Aries, starting this week, finally, you will no longer have the opposite Venus torment you and you will be able to recover some serenity on the sentimental front. Mars, your planet, also comes to your aid, giving you strength and energy to sell. Attention only to the days of the opposite moon - Tuesday and Wednesday - when a bit of a bad mood may return. Discover now the three most suitable adjectives to describe yourself:

See also

Scorpio ascendant: personality and main characteristics

Moon in Scorpio: what are its characteristics according to astrology

Leo ascendant Scorpio: a charming and charismatic leader!

Taurus: Venus opposite ...

Dear Toro, unfortunately this week marks the arrival of the opposition of Venus for you: a rather hard period is beginning with regards to feelings, which will lead you to question your relationship. Luckily you will have the planet Mercury on your side, ready to support you on the work front and to give you great satisfaction. Lucky day: that of Monday. Definitely not days: Thursday and Friday.

Gemini: Mars comes to your aid!

Dear Gemini, unfortunately the opposition of Mercury continues for your sign, which could lead to blockages in the workplace and difficulties in your relationships. Fortunately, the planet Mars comes to your aid, becoming favorable from Monday and giving you the strength you need to face any kind of challenge. Bet everything on the lucky days of Tuesday and Wednesday. Attention at the weekend, some tension may arise with the partner.

Cancer: the serene is back!

Dear Cancer, finally Venus is no longer unfavorable to your sign and returns to smile at you, bringing understanding, listening and passion back into your life as a couple. You will also feel much better from a physical point of view, thanks to the end of the opposition of Mars, which will help you regain the energy that you had been missing in the last period. Good news and opportunities to grab on the job front. Lucky days: Thursday and Friday.

Leo: Opposite Mars ...

Dear Leo, unfortunately this week the planet Venus turns its back on you and becomes unfavorable to your sign. Be careful not to act too impulsively with your partner: you may say or do things you regret. Mars in opposition makes you feel tired and creates some extra physical ailment or nervousness. Avoid making appointments that are too busy on unfavorable moon days, those of Thursday and Friday.

Virgo: a week to remember!

Dear Virgo, this beginning of September will be one to remember for your sign! To the already splendid Mercury in conjunction, now the favor of the planet Venus is added, and the beautiful and interesting news will not be long in coming both in the workplace and in the sentimental one. Monday will be a particularly lucky day, with the moon in conjunction. Only between Saturday and Sunday could some unexpected happen ...

Libra: in great shape!

Dear Libra, this week you will be full of energy and ready to win any challenge thanks to the alliance of Mars. This planet, in fact, returns to favor you and will also give you a dazzling physical shape. Moreover, on Tuesday and Wednesday, you will be able to count on a super-moon in conjunction: luck will turn on your side! The weekend is also beautiful and lucky, with a Saturday and Sunday full of passion and romance.

Scorpio: welcome, Venus!

Dear Scorpio, great news: the planet Venus has finally entered your sign, ready to give you a September full of love and passion! The next few weeks will be full of excitement and great heartbeats. Good news is also coming in the workplace, especially possible on the lucky days of Thursday and Friday. You may feel a little more tired, due to the unfavorable position of Mars.

Sagittarius: lucky weekend!

Dear Sagittarius, unfortunate Mercury unfortunately does not help your relationships, especially professional ones. Arm yourself with patience then, and try to avoid conflicts as much as possible, especially on the very nervous day of Monday, when the moon will act in your favor. On Tuesday and Wednesday, however, you may receive some good news. Super-lucky on weekends: Saturday and Sunday, with the moon in the sign, will be two days to remember!

Capricorn: love returns!

Dear Capricorn, finally the planet Venus has returned to smile at you! The difficulties in the sentimental field of the last period will soon become a distant memory, and you will be able to recover the serenity next to a special person, whether it is the usual partner or an exciting new entry ... Good news also on the front of work in the days of Thursday and Friday. Some slowdown, however, is expected between Tuesday and Wednesday.

Aquarius: tensions in the couple ...

Dear Aquarius, this week some tensions may arise in your life as a couple: unfavorable Venus does not help the dialogue with your partner and you may feel little understood ... Mars, on the other hand, enters your sign in conjunction starting as early as Monday, giving you a great strength and energy that will enable you to overcome any difficulty. Days yes: Tuesday and Wednesday. Days off: Thursday and Friday.

Pisces: Mercury opposite ...

Dear Pisces, unfortunately Mercury in opposition continues to create problems at work: relationships with bosses and colleagues are not so easy to manage. Fortunately, however, at least on the sentimental front you will experience a good recovery this week: Venus returns to smile at your sign, guaranteeing you a great understanding with your partner. Monday will be a bad day, due to the moon in opposition. Bet everything on the lucky days of Thursday and Friday.

Tags:  Star Beauty In Shape