Start a love story well

The beginnings of a story

The beginnings of a story are full of magic: you shiver when it touches your hand, you are radiant, you fill yourself with compliments and you are irresistibly attracted ... You have never been so good and you wish it would never end! Definitely, there is no need to spoil everything on your first dinner at the restaurant. The watchword is "let yourself go". Avoid asking yourself 1000 questions and live in the present moment. Of course, it's easier said than done, but it doesn't matter, the essential thing is to think positively!

The fragility of a story at the beginning

See also

Personality test: which love phrase reflects you the most?

Test: what kind of sunglasses look good on your face?

Test: between love, work or well-being, what is your priority?

Just as a newborn needs the attention of a mother, a new love story is fragile and must be handled delicately. It is in fact at the very beginning that you are most likely to make mistakes, so reflect on your past mistakes and try not to reproduce them. But be careful, you don't have to compare your sweet Romeo to your exes, it would be the best way to make him run away!

The traps to avoid

It is useless to lie (about one's tastes, about friends…), you would be quickly unmasked and in this case you can expect the worst. Stay yourself, it's easier and less tiring.

A man needs oxygen. If you are very affectionate (not to mention clingy) she will feel suffocated. To avoid! A man who lacks living space will do everything possible to pull back and find his space (in someone else's arms ...).

Another sore point: we're all dying to call him every 10 minutes to find out what he's doing and how he's doing, and of course we expect him to do the same. Big mistake! Give time to time, waiting for the phone to ring may seem torture but when the call finally arrives, the enthusiasm will be even greater. Go out with friends rather than always be there for her.

When you still know little, it is legitimate to think about tomorrow, but it is better to avoid thinking about next week, or next month and even less about marriage or children! Logical, but despite this we often have a tendency to want to project ourselves into the future. Carpe Diem.

Feeling good in a new story

The first moments are always magical and we tend to idealize them. The best thing is to make these moments last over time and that is entirely up to you! The game of seduction must continue between you.

The best attitude would be to adopt the behavior we would like our partner to have towards us. In a love story, one must have respect for oneself but also for the other, for his freedoms, his desires. At the beginning, each of you must know what you want to bring to your partner and what you want to receive in return, but without having too many expectations. A love story that is born also presupposes that you have confidence in yourself and that you trust your new partner. In this way you can both fully experience the happiness and lightheartedness of the first few moments ... It will surely be a beautiful love story, for a few months or forever!

Tags:  Star Actuality Old-Luxury