That's why not wearing underwear is good for you

We all know very well the feeling of freedom that gives us coming home and taking off the bra to finally let the skin breathe and feel less constrained in super padded push-ups. We also know all the benefits of sleeping naked, in addition to the feeling of incredible freshness during the hot summer days. Underpants: today it almost seems that one cannot do without them, yet up to the eighteenth century the only women who always wore underpants were prostitutes and even the Church condemned underpants as an "obscene garment". Today, however, the situation seems to have completely reversed: admitting not wearing underwear tickles the imagination and is considered "breaking the rules" ... But is it really so necessary to wear underwear during every moment of the day? this video, the answer is yes!

Not wearing underwear is good for you: that's why!

In recent years, many gynecologists have suggested that not wearing underwear can be an excellent solution even in terms of hygiene for our private parts. The best time to do this is during the hours of a night's rest. it will be enough to wear comfortable and non-tight pajamas. For example, Drs Raegan McDonald-Mosley and Mary Rosser suggest that not wearing underwear at night is a good candida prevention practice. Even during the day, especially in summer, experts recommend wearing breathable fabrics. and not synthetics such as cotton and to avoid underwear to let the skin of our most delicate areas breathe. Obviously, for the office, transparencies and too light colors are to be avoided, also stay away from jeans that could give you some problems with rubbing. Prefer soft and fresh trousers, dresses below the knee that are not too fluttering, to avoid frightening gusts of wind. a whole new freedom, at any time of the day!

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Even Hollywood stars entrust their shapes to the force of gravity

Even many elegant Hollywood stars have chosen a body free from all constraints and, after banning bras, they are "furious" on panties! Jennifer Aniston and Gwyneth Paltrow are among the best known stars who never wear a bra, after all, their small breasts allow them to do so without problems. But also the Junoesque Beyoncé and Kim Kardashian often leave their underwear at home and entrust their important forms to the breeze of the Hollywood hills.

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And finally, to warm the atmosphere ... nothing intimate in the company of your partner

To warm up a monotonous evening or simply to make sparks, try going out with your boyfriend without wearing underwear. It will be a little secret to share at the hottest moment of the evening. Whether you are wearing a dress with vertiginous slits or a simple cocktail dress, your partner will surely be impressed by this "risky" gesture. Good fun!

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