Combat moss in the garden

Identify the cause

The proliferation of moss in grass is essentially due to an excess of moisture in the soil. This excess can be caused by the very nature of the soil, too clayey and compact, by the lack of air or by the absence of light and heat.

To solve the moss problem, therefore, you will need to determine exactly the cause of the humidity and act accordingly.

See also

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Solve the problem

- If the soil is too clayey, just eliminate the excess water by creating an evacuation system. Dig a few grooves in the ground and pour 5 or 6 cm of gravel into them, on which you will lay your drainage pipes. We recommend PVC pipes, which are more solid. Cover everything with another 20 or 30 cm of gravel.

Attention: the evacuation system must be studied in detail, otherwise you risk flooding the neighbor's garden!

- If the ground lacks air, move it with the rake. If that's not enough, you can also drill into the ground.

- If the ground is too shaded, try to open a passage for sunlight, for example by cutting the low branches of the trees that surround it or by making openings in the fence. You will see that the earth will heat up quickly, evaporating the excess water.

Also know that there are products on the market anti-moss based on iron sulfate, which occur in the form of dust or grains to be scattered on the ground at the end of winter. Within about 15 days the grass will begin to blacken and you will have to remove it with a rake.

Good to know: to prevent moss from invading your garden again, regularly remove excess water from the soil. We strongly advise against planting trees or flowers on the soil covering the drainage system.

Tags:  Beauty Old-Luxury Kitchen