Girl of the week is Michelle Obama: a 56-year commitment

Courageous, passionate, ambitious, skilled speaker and present mother. We are talking about Michelle Obama, the one who revolutionized the role of First Lady not only for the color of her skin, being the first African American woman in the White House, but also, and above all, for being able to support her husband, without being with him. step back.

Some have nicknamed her "The First Lady of Hope", others, annoyed by the political and civil commitment shown by the woman over the years, have attributed the connotation of "angry black woman", her husband jokingly calls her "The Boss Because of his confident and determined personality. She is all this and more. A woman who grew up in the working-class and multicultural neighborhood of South Side, Chicago, where she lives the age-old racial question firsthand and quickly learns the meaning of hard work.

She learns to read and play the piano, goes to the public library, suffers from the "impostor syndrome" and every day, looking in the mirror, she asks herself: “Am I good enough?” Yes, she is, but never enough for herself and this it encourages her to commit herself more every day, seeing the merits due to her being recognized day by day.

She applied to Princeton and was admitted despite the financial constraints and the opinion of those who did not believe she was up to par. Then she arrives at Harvard, where she graduates in law, the first woman in her family to reach such a high milestone. Following, the years of work, during which she meets what will later become the forty-fourth President of the United States, but, first of all, her husband: Barack Obama. Together, the couple will have two daughters: Malia and Sasha, towards whom Michelle has always been a careful mother, nevertheless experiencing the difficulties of any woman divided between family and career. For this reason, during the election campaign alongside Barack, Michelle guarantees her presence only two days a week, forcing herself to go home by the end of the second to be able to be with her daughters. Without neglecting the impeccable style, always elegant and refined, but never presumptuous, so much so that she was nominated several times in the list of the best dressed people in the world.

Many hope to see you in the White House, but, this time, as President. She is not unbalanced for the moment, revealing that she appreciates the electoral campaigns above all for the ideas in the "field of furniture" collected during visits to many salons. Despite this, her sense of duty does not abandon her and, although it has now been 3 years since the end of Obama's mandate, Michelle continues the fight for the rights of those who do not have rights. Today it turns 56 and we want to celebrate it by remembering all the initiatives that have seen it engaged in the front row.

Let "s Move: against childhood obesity

In 2010, Let’s Move was born, a campaign conceived by Michelle Obama to fight obesity among the younger sections of the population, especially in childhood. The woman brings together leaders, educators, doctors and parents to find concrete solutions to help children be more active, providing them with adequate nutrition education and encouraging companies to produce healthier foods. During the same year, Michelle inaugurated the School Lunch project, a program aimed at providing free or discounted meals to more than 21 million children from low-income families, inviting school canteens to serve healthier foods to students.

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At the forefront of youth education

In 2014, the First Lady launched the Reach Higher Initiative, an initiative designed to inspire and encourage young Americans to think about their future, both academically and professionally. Reach Higher Initiative provides students with the tools they need to complete their training, supporting them in school and work planning. In this way, the children regain their lost confidence in the future and are not abandoned in the darkness of uncertainty.

In 2015, the Obama couple teamed up to launch the Let Girls Learn initiative with the aim of ensuring comprehensive education for girls all over the world, especially in countries with a high rate of poverty and, consequently, neglect. school. Michelle calls on governments to empower young women by launching policies aimed at school education.

In 2019 "A year of Firsts" comes out, an Igtv series created by Michelle and broadcast in six episodes on Instagram, during which we see four students, distinguished by social and cultural origin, grappling with the problems related to the first year of college. The burden of school debt, performance anxiety, the pressures and fragility of these young and vulnerable minds. The goal is to raise awareness of the difficulties that afflict young people and promote strategies with which to overcome them or, at least, alleviate them.

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