Melancholy phrases: the most beautiful quotes about this nostalgic feeling

We have all tried it at least once in our life. We are talking about melancholy, from the Greek “mèlas” (black) and “cholè” (bile). According to the observations of ancient medicine, this feeling was placed between the four humors of the human body and consisted of a sense of deep sadness resulting from the presence of black bile, precisely, inside the liver. Today we know that this is not the case and that a melancholy soul should not cause any concern. Generally considered negative, melancholy is actually a state of poetic malaise with which to learn to live with rather than repudiate. For this reason, we have collected the most beautiful phrases about melancholy that have ever been written or spoken. Choose the one that most distinguishes you!

Phrases about the melancholy of life

Pain and melancholy are integral parts of life. A person cannot say for sure that he has lived if he has never experienced the aforementioned feelings. What would happiness taste like if sadness was not a counterweight to it? The best moments acquire even more value when compared to the most difficult ones. Melancholy should not be repudiated: there are moments in which it is legitimate to bask in the darkest thoughts and then re-emerge like a phoenix from the ashes. Let's find out what the true meaning of melancholy is through the wonderful sentences written by poets, authors and novelists.

The voids of the heart weigh like boulders.
Emanuela Breda

What do you lack in melancholy, bearing in mind that melancholy is the happiness of feeling sad?
Gigi Marzullo

Silence means that the images of the past do not arouse desires but sadness, a huge disconsolate melancholy.
Erich Maria Remarque

Who can distinguish the sea from what is reflected in it? Or say where the rain ends and the melancholy begins?
Haruki Murakami

There is a melancholy born of greatness.
Nicolas Chamfort

Every now and then I have some fits of melancholy, but I overcome them with the greatest ease thanks to the letters, the ones I write and the ones I receive: they give me back my courage. But rest assured that it never happens to me without a reason. I often wonder if it is worth living. I am neither hot nor cold and I do not find pleasure in anything.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Melancholy comes with despair because they are friends, and both of them together put their hands in a funnel over their mouths and call out sickness.
Mauro Corona

There are clock hands that turn slower than others. They are those of melancholy.
Salvatore Cutrupi

Melancholy has haunted me like a black beast throughout my life.
John Cusack

Melancholy: a temporary lack of self-delusion.
Willem Frederik Hermans

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It's a pain, but it's not really a pain. It is a kind of melancholy. You feel like crying, but you don't cry.

He felt that the desire for desires had awakened in his soul: melancholy.
Lev Tolstoy

Melancholy arises when you cannot want, that is, strive for a goal, because you don't know and don't want to know what you want.
Claudio Magris

All that is finite, all that is ultimate, always naturally arouses in man a feeling of pain and melancholy.
Giacomo Leopardi

The misfortunes of childhood affect the whole of life and leave an inexhaustible source of melancholy in the heart of man.
Paul Brulat

Melancholy is that pain that we adults do not know how to escape. It pays to know.
Vanessa Montfort

The invisible spider of melancholy always spreads its gray web over the places where we were happy and from where happiness fled
Boleslaw Prus

It is as if in my mind there were two parts that play chasing each other from room to room: enchantment and melancholy. And there are days that, after a long resort, I see only the enchantment emerge from the room and days when I see only melancholy emerge.
Fabrizio Caramagna

There is a life and there is a death, and in between there is beauty and melancholy.
Albert Camus

Melancholy of the past, joy of the present, repentance of the future… this is life.
Jim Morrison

Better to die of a heart attack than of melancholy.
Claudio Magris

Reflections on melancholy

Melancholy is undoubtedly one of the favorite themes of poets, writers and songwriters. There would be no art without the seed of pain. It is thanks to the most excruciating yearnings that artists are able to conceive majestic works. In different eras, there are many occasions in which great minds have stopped to reflect on this feeling, giving free rein to their melancholy mood. Below, you will find some quotes which contain the most significant reflections on melancholy.

The pains, the disappointments and the melancholy are not made to make us discontented and take away our value and dignity, but to mature.
Herman Hesse

I don't regret the moments in which I suffered; I carry the scars on me as if they were medals, I know that freedom has a price as high as that of slavery. The only difference is that you pay with pleasure and with a smile ... even when that smile is wet with tears.
Paulo Coelho

The evening and melancholy are a well-established couple. If then the two are joined by insomnia, all that remains is to resign oneself to a long night of shit.
Alessia Gazzola

Those who dream you recognize them, they have a veil of sadness in their eyes. They have a melancholy asleep in the corners of their mouths, they have the air of one who seeks but cannot find. Dreaming is tiring, dreaming is not for everyone. It is for brave people to dream. Like the sea and love.
Susanna Casciani

Serious, melancholy people become lighter and occasionally come to their surface, precisely through what makes others heavy, through hate and love.
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Melancholy men are the wittiest of all.

In a world without melancholy, nightingales would burp.
Emile Michel Cioran

Everyone knows that a clown must be melancholy to be a good clown, but that for him, melancholy is a serious matter to die for, they don't get there.
Heinrich Böll

We think it hurts us only what we know hurts us, but there are a multitude of memories and images that cause a great melancholy because we do not understand the meaning.
Clara Sanchez

Nothing but a lost battle can be half as melancholy as a won battle.
Duke of Wellington

In the very temple of delight, the veiled Melancholia has its sanctuary.
John Keats

If there is hell on earth, it is certainly in the heart of a melancholy man.
Robert Burton

Melancholy is made neither for beasts nor for men: but if they abandon themselves desperately to it, they become beasts.
Miguel De Cervantes

Melancholy: the desire to have desires.
Lev Tolstoy

Affection, like melancholy, magnifies trifles; but the magnification of one is like looking at celestial objects through a telescope; that of the other, like magnifying monsters with a microscope.
James Henry Leigh Hunt

Everyone can be sad; but melancholy remains the prerogative of higher souls.
Georges-Eugène Faillet

I believe that melancholy is a musical problem, a dissonance, an altered rhythm. While outside everything happens with a dizzying waterfall rhythm, inside there is an exhausted slowness like a drop of water that falls from time to time. This is why that outside contemplated from the melancholic inside is absurd and unreal and constitutes the farce that we must all represent.
Alejandra Pizarnik

I know why I'm sad, but I can't say why I'm melancholy. Prolonging over time without ever reaching a particular intensity, the melancholy states erase from consciousness any initial reason, present instead in sadness.
EM Cioran

Melancholy and happiness are like two people who pretend not to know each other and constantly meet on secret dates.
Fabrizio Caramagna

The memory needs melancholy to have all its scent.
Anne Barratin

Melancholy is sadness that has become light.
Italo Calvino

Melancholy is not an escape from reality, but from the unreality of the world.
Raheel Farooq

If you ask a melancholy what reason he has for being like this, what weighs on him, he will reply that he does not know, that he cannot explain it. This is the boundless horizon of melancholy.
Søren Kierkegaard

Melancholy is just as seductive as ecstasy.
Mason Cooley

Melancholy were the sounds of a winter night.
Virginia Woolf

Melancholy sees things worse, as they could be and not as they are. He looks at a beautiful face and sees only a smiling skull. Christian Nestell Bovee

Melancholy is the noble companion of beauty, to the point that I cannot conceive of a type of beauty that does not have its own sadness. Charles Baudelaire

Depression is melancholy minus its charm.
Susan Sontag

The most beautiful quotes on melancholy of love

When a love ends, disappointment is followed by melancholy. The initial anger gives way to sadness and, in the end, only the best memories remain. How many times do we happen to feel a kind of nostalgia for what we believed would be our soul mate forever. Unfortunately, sometimes not all stories have a happy ending and it is normal to feel melancholy for what has been and will no longer be. If at this moment sad thoughts have taken over for a farewell that you did not expect, read this series of phrases and aphorisms that contain the deepest sense of the melancholy of love.

The best moments of love are those of a quiet and sweet melancholy, where you cry and you don't know what, and you almost resign yourself restfully to a misfortune and you don't know which one. "
Giacomo Leopardi

It does so much good to think back to love in moments of melancholy: you feel a kind of nun I know it is, like a pleasure of felt pain.

When the melancholy of being alone stops your goiter and you can't swallow even a drop of fruit juice, do this. Look at your girlfriends boyfriends or husbands. Look at them well. And then ask yourself if there is still to cry because you are alone.
Luciana Littizzetto

Melancholy goes to stick right in that point of the heart where you were happy.
To remind you what happiness was.
Fabrizio Caramagna

Under a veil of melancholy you find even brighter eyes.
flarin, Twitter

My melancholy is the most faithful lover I have ever known. How surprised, then, if I reciprocate his love.
Søren Kierkegaard

And so, being young and immersed in madness, I fell in love with melancholy.
Edgar Allan Poe

The most significant aphorisms about positive melancholy

Being melancholy doesn't necessarily mean being sad or depressed. Sometimes, this feeling can have a positive meaning. If you feel nostalgic for the past it means that you have had the good fortune to have experiences so beautiful that they leave you a great lack. What matters, in cases like these, is not to be overwhelmed by sadness and be convinced that moments like this will return. After all, you never know how many beautiful surprises life has in store for you! For this reason, we decided to look for some phrases in which melancholy is represented as a positive state of mind. Here they are:

Melancholy is made up of dreams that must remain such.
Roberto Gervaso

Melancholy is like a "sudden gust of wind: it comes when you least expect it" and it hurts. However, even if I could, I would not be able to give up its strange magic.
Filippo Alosi

There is also a little melancholy happiness, to which I have resigned myself. It happens when I discover a book, a movie, some songs. I try to communicate my enthusiasm, but it always happens that I discovered it too late. That author was better before. The previous books, the previous films, the previous records, those yes.
Francesco Piccolo

All changes, even the most anticipated, have their melancholy, because what they leave behind us is part of ourselves, we must die in one life before we can enter another.
Anatole France

That special lyrical and existential modulation that allows you to contemplate your own drama as if from the outside and dissolve it in melancholy and irony.
Italo Calvino

All your fears and melancholies are important and also useful feelings ... If you learn to understand them!
Fabrizio Bentivoglio

Melancholy attracts, boredom repels.
Arthur Schopenhauer

When you manage to alternate humor with melancholy, you are successful, but when the same things are both funny and melancholy, it's just wonderful.
Francois Truffaut

Melancholy people are people who are otherwise very wise and very sensible, and gifted with extraordinary penetration and sagacity.
Michel Focault

My joy is melancholy.

Joyfully remembering what has been, remembering ... one must not suffer, even if a sweet melancholy will melt us. The paths of the people are many, the roads cross, touch, collide, find each other and yes they lose. But everyone is unique and every meeting, however long it may last, is special, we have to grasp this magical, we must appreciate it and keep it within us.
Gaetano Barreca

I confess my addiction to melancholy. As a drug, when I don't feel it in my veins, I look for it in a drawer or on a street corner.

How noble is he who, with a sad heart, still wants to sing a happy song among happy hearts. Khalil Gibran

The pains, the disappointments and the melancholy are not made to make us discontented and take away our value and dignity, but to mature.
Hermann Hesse

Nothing is as sweet and delicate as an adorable melancholy.
Francis Beaumont

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