Linea nigra: why it appears during pregnancy and how it originates from the linea alba

The linea nigra is a dark line that appears during pregnancy on the abdomen, from the navel to the pubic bone. It does not actually occur in all women, but it is a rather common skin sign among women. future mothers.

This line usually appears starting from the second quarter (and therefore from the fourth month) and is due to hormonal disruptions that cause, as we will see, the production of melanin and therefore the pigmentation of the skin in the abdominal area.

Let's find out together everything there is to know about the linea nigra (often confused, rightly, with the linea alba), but first here's an interesting video on the things not to do during pregnancy:

Are the linea nigra and linea alba on the abdomen the same thing?

The linea nigra, as we have anticipated, is a dark line about one centimeter wide, dark brown in color. It is a "hyperpigmentation of the skin that starts from the navel and reaches the pubis, although in some women it can go upwards and reach the area under the breast.

This hyperpigmentation is often called "linea alba", which means "white line", and c "is one reason for this: the linea alba is nothing more than a line made up of white fibers, generally not visible, which divide the muscles into two sections straight abdominals. If you are pregnant, it is the same white line that turns dark and changes due to the increased production of melanin.

This sign appears around the fourth month and from week to week continues to widen and darken. In some cases it can occur as early as around the fourteenth week of pregnancy.

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Why does the line on the belly come in pregnancy?

The appearance of this hyperpigmentation during pregnancy is not symptomatic: it does not indicate a particular development of the pregnancy itself, so there is no need to worry if it occurs or vice versa. As we have said, it does not appear in all expectant mothers, and it is easier. which makes its appearance on women with darker complexions or on those who are more exposed to the sun's rays.

The cause of its appearance after the third month of pregnancy is the increase in estrogen, which stimulates the production of melanin, which - in turn - colors the skin dark. If you are pregnant, on the other hand, it is not only the linea alba that darkens: in other areas of the body and face, dark spots may appear, from the sides of the nose to the inner part of the thighs. This is a natural phenomenon. avoid alarming!

When it appears and when it disappears

The linea nigra appears, in general, after the twenty-second week of pregnancy. In dark-skinned women, however, it may occur even earlier. However, it is a highly variable phenomenon, different from woman to woman and for which it is difficult to generalize. In some, it can even appear in the last three weeks of pregnancy!

As for its disappearance, it occurs within a few weeks after giving birth, in a completely natural way, without the need for any specific intervention or treatment. Of course, it will always be useful during pregnancy to keep the skin of the belly moisturized so that it does not lose elasticity, and it is always good to use a sunscreen cream.

Linea nigra: male or female?

According to popular belief, this vertical line would be able to provide an important clue in determining the sex of the unborn child. Unfortunately, this is only a legend. In fact, it was once believed that if the sign extended towards the top then it meant that the baby would be female. Otherwise (if the line extended towards the pubis) it would have been a boy.

Today science confirms the total absence of correlation between linea nigra and the sex of the child. We will have to wait for the ultrasound!

See also: Pregnant on the set: here are all the actresses who shot with the belly!

© Getty Images Pregnant on the set: here are all the actresses who shot with the belly!

For more scientific information on the subject, you can consult the Babymed website.

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