Cow's milk: a necessary food for health?

Cow's milk is a food that many people consume. Today, however, there are also many lactose intolerant people who find themselves having to replace this food even if they do not have a "vegan or vegetarian" diet. However, there are many lactose-free vegetable drinks rich in taste and nutrients, such as rice milk. soy, oat, coconut, almond and many others! Watch the video and find out all about this intolerance.

Cow milk: properties of cow milk

Milk has always been considered one of the staple foods of human nutrition. Cow's milk has been consumed since man began to devote himself to agriculture and livestock: it is a fundamental food of man's diet along with eggs, cereals and legumes. Pasteurization aims to eliminate harmful pathogens , such as those of tuberculosis, Escherichia coli, typhoid fever and scarlet fever. The high temperature process in 15 seconds kills them; after milk it can be drunk safely for up to 3 weeks, if kept in the refrigerator constantly. As a consequence of the heating of the pasteurization, vitamins and mineral salts contained in the milk are partially lost. Milk can also be produced by milking sheep, goats or donkeys, but cow's milk is defined only as "milk", as there is no need for specifications for cows.

See also

Plant-based milk: the 7 healthy and tasty alternatives to cow's milk!

Milk kefir: all the benefits of fermented milk made from kef granules

Egg diet: how to lose weight using this food

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It obviously falls within the definition of drinking milk; its production is cheaper and quantitatively greater due to the size of the cows and the type of milking, which has been constantly improved from a technical point of view over the years. Through industrial processes it is possible to produce casein, lactose, condensed and powdered milk, whey proteins and other food additives from milk. There are high levels of saturated fat in whole milk, cream and butter. As for the nutrients of cow milk, mixing the milk of all the cows you get a compound with these percentages: 87.5% water, 3.5% proteins, 3.5% lipids, sugars 5% of the content, 1% mineral salts. 100 grams of pasteurized whole cow's milk provide the human body with 64 calories, as well as vitamins and minerals (vitamin C, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin D, vitamin E, thiamine, vitamin A, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, iron) . C "is then skimmed or partially skimmed milk with industrial technique with reduced fat. Cow's milk can be skimmed, to remove the fats with which butter and cream or yogurt will be produced through fermentation. Milk is also used in cosmetics for its nourishing properties for the skin.

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Cow's milk and live lactic ferments

Cow milk is a food considered by many to be healthy for the human organism. Even the weaned infant drinks cow's milk. The animals feed their newborn babies with their milk as well as the mother does with the newborn. the mother's milk runs out, the baby can also be fed with cow's milk, very protein, energetic and complete. Fundamental elements for the well-being of our organism are the live lactic ferments found in cow's milk and its derivatives, such as yoghurt and cheeses They help the child's development, support after flu and pathologies, antibiotic treatments and restore the bacterial flora, which helps prevent and heal intestinal infections. Our way of eating is not always well balanced and therefore our body does not produce sufficient immunoglobulins. By resorting to live lactic ferments, containing alkalizers, you can strengthen your immune system. lactic ferments are taken, because this could decrease their properties. In addition to calcium and potassium, vitamins and minerals, milk also regulates the metabolism and strengthens the immune system.

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Cow's milk intolerance and allergy

Cow's milk can cause intolerances or allergies, or not suitable for some types of diets, such as vegan. Today many therefore consume milk of vegetable origin. Lactose is the main sugar in milk and is energetic; it is also found in breast milk, digested by babies thanks to an enzyme (lactase), which splits the molecule, glucose and galactose, into two units, digestible by the intestine, as opposed to lactose. In some people this enzyme is no longer produced and therefore the undissolved lactose is digested by bacteria, which proliferate, and the sugar ferments, causing abdominal pain and diarrhea: this is the so-called lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerant people cannot digest it, as well as all milk products, such as cheeses. But today there are also lactose-free products thanks to a synthetic enzyme. Delactosed milk, also called HD (High Digestible), is a cow's milk subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis of lactose, to allow lactase deficient people to take cow's milk without complications and gastrointestinal disorders, caused by intolerance to this sugar. To be sure that you suffer from lactose intolerance, you need a doctor's diagnosis with specific tests. Soy, rice, hazelnut and almond milk taste good and are very good even if there are some people who consider them less digestible than cow's milk, since their proteins are not of animal origin but it is partly also a matter of habit, as in all things. If you give up cow's milk and its derivatives, it is necessary to supplement calcium with other foods because vegetable drinks do not contain calcium. Vegetable milk is also consumed by vegans. Allergy, fortunately rarer, is more dangerous than intolerance; it is linked to milk proteins and can also cause severe reactions. In case of allergy to milk, even lactose-free milk should not be consumed, since the problem concerns proteins.

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Cow's milk: uses, habits and particularities

For an adult, a glass of cow's milk is enough; a child can drink whole milk several times a day liquid, such as yogurt or puree. For the development of children, milk is more important than other foods with which they can also risk obesity. Adult mammals do not feed on milk; only humans, on the other hand, continue to take it, albeit not as a single food, but in various ways, liquid, as dairy products or as an ingredient in the preparation of sweets, creams, rustic foods. According to studies by US university researchers, cow's milk helps lose weight by helping to reduce excess fat. However, you get fat when you eat foods in an unbalanced way, even when it comes to cow's milk. A dairy-free diet can cause a reduction in bone density, especially in pregnancy. In fact, it is good to give the right amount of calcium to the unborn child that pregnant women drink more glasses of milk in a day and also when they are breastfeeding, as they also transmit it to the baby.In addition to calcium and potassium, milk has fundamental substances such as vitamins and mineral salts, so it is perfect for those who practice sports, because it activates the metabolism and strengthens the immune system. Even those on a diet can consume cow's milk or its derivatives, perhaps preferring lean products, with fewer calories, sugar and fatty acids, but still rich in nutrition. Cow's milk has always been considered healthy for the bones, as well as cheeses, especially parmesan or parmesan.

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This is because it contains a lot of calcium and therefore should also prevent osteoporosis in mature age. This contrasts with the fact that in underdeveloped countries where the consumption of milk is very scarce, osteoporosis and similar diseases are not very common: on the contrary, in Western countries there are many cases. It is true that milk contains in addition to other healthy substances also a lot of calcium and other healthy substances, but some unbalanced diets cause a decrease with consequent weakening of the bones. According to experts in the field, it is therefore important to eat in a balanced way, because this reduction in calcium would depend on an unbalanced consumption of animal proteins. According to some Kansas scholars, milk as an antioxidant is healthy for the brain and is rich in good, anti-cancer fats.
June 1st is Milk World Day, a day in which the thousand properties of this precious food are celebrated.

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