Ferrante Fever: "The lying life of adults" lands on Netflix

The Ferrante Fever strikes again. It was announced yesterday that "The lying life of adults", the latest novel by Elena Ferrante, will soon become a TV series. To confirm this, the Netflix streaming giant with a teaser in which the singer Emma Marrone is the narrator. If "The brilliant friend" was a success, Ferrante's latest effort will not be outdone.

A best-seller that is about to conquer the rest of the world

The novel, published in Italy in November 2019, was yet another confirmation of an extraordinary literary mastery, enjoyable on paper as on the screen, which is preparing to conquer the rest of the world. From September, in fact, the book will be translated and distributed in 25 other countries, helping to fuel the myth of the faceless author, mentioned even by Time as one of the most influential people on planet earth.

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What we know so far:

For now we have no big rumors, except that the TV series will be produced by Fandango. Neither the cast nor the director has been leaked. However, based on the previous experience of "The brilliant friend", we expect scrupulous fidelity to the novel. The story will, therefore, focus on the figure of Giovanna, the twelve-year-old protagonist of the book, who finds herself growing between two worlds: on the one hand, the "good" Naples, which hides pitfalls and is steeped in hypocrisy, on the other, Naples “below”, the crudest and most authentic one.
What to add? We are no longer in the skin and you?

#LaVitaBugiardaDegliAdulti, the latest novel by Elena Ferrante, an Italian writer loved all over the world, will soon become a Netflix original series 📖🎥 pic.twitter.com/LjULc3iFl8

- Netflix Italy (@NetflixIT) May 12, 2020

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