You know you are 30 when you buy wrinkle cream

There is a moment in the life of all of us, when you realize that you are really growing up, a moment when you have that feeling of being in the passage between the years in which you did not have too many thoughts but how to dress and where to go dancing. to those where you start thinking about the house, the washing machine, work, shopping and really feel that something has changed. You go out a little and that time, looking around you, you no longer know anyone, except your 15-year-old sister who tells you "What are you doing around?" and then everything is clearer: you are getting old.

Kids younger than you start calling you "her", on facebook you see more people getting married and having children than those in the disco and you realize that your parents were already parents at your age, you realize that to recover an evening with friends takes more than three days, if you drink a glass too much you are already in the other world and that to digest McDonald's food you have to wait who knows how long to lie down. Sometimes you think of something that happened 10 years ago and you realize that you are no longer 20 years old, Saturday is for rest and Sunday for playing sports and not sleeping until noon and collapsing tired destroyed on the sofa at least once a week. You start to see changes in your body and if a few years ago you could eat anything, now your fridge is full of fruits, vegetables and many healthy things. Last but not least… the wrinkles… ah the wrinkles! Do you start seeing changes on your face and what do you do? You start buying all the creams in the world until you find the one that's right for you and shows you some changes. In all this chaos of negativity, however, there is something positive: you appreciate simple things, you appreciate a family dinner, breakfast on Saturday morning with your mother and on Sundays in the mountains to admire the view. Sport becomes a way to relax, to free your mind from the chores of the week and doing it with your boyfriend or friends is the best you could wish for.

However, there is a topic that I have only now had an interest in investigating. Some time ago a 30-year-old told me: "Do you know that excessive exercise increases free radicals?". Inside me the question arose “And what are these free radicals? What can I care? So much so I'm super young ”And instead now I dust off that sentence of the one who is now 40 years old and who has been wearing anti-wrinkle cream for at least 10 years and I understand that hers was a warning and that those free radicals affect the birth of wrinkles on the face. And then the topic becomes interesting.

Sport and Free Radicals

So: I stopped drinking every weekend, smoking, eating bullshit and now you want to tell me that even doing sports is bad for you? Oh no cabbage! But let's see how sport affects the formation of free radicals.
There is no doubt that physical activity, exercised regularly and constantly over time, positively affects a series of physiological parameters, constituting a form of prevention of numerous pathologies. But it is also true that sport, and especially sports "competitive activity can have side effects that must be prevented. Free radicals are" waste "products that naturally form inside the mitochondria of the body's cells, where oxygen is used in metabolic processes to produce energy (oxidation).

With physical activity, in particular, aerobic metabolism increases and there is an increase in the production of free radicals. In fact, during physical activity there is a consumption of oxygen that increases at least 20 times compared to the condition of rest. Being trained reduces this production as the subject who regularly practices activity has a high level of anti-oxidant defense.

Exaggerated physical activity is by no means the only cause of overproduction of free radicals. Other factors must be sought in pathological causes (inflammatory states in general, cardiovascular diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, tissue ischemia and consequent reduction in blood supply), stress, UV rays, ionizing radiation, cigarette smoke, alcohol, some drugs, diets too rich in proteins and animal fats, non-tolerated foods, polluting gases and toxic substances.

See also

Beauty routine: how to take care of the skin after 30

Depilatory cream: how to use it for safe hair removal?

Snail slime cream: 3 benefits for top skin!

Free Radicals and Wrinkles

In physiological conditions there is a state of equilibrium between the endogenous production of free radicals and their neutralization by the organism. If the free radicals are in physiological quantities they help the immune system in the elimination of germs and bacteria. their production leads to damage which in the long run causes progressive damage to the tissues and progressive acceleration of the aging process.

Free radicals, by attacking cell membranes, also affect the appearance of the face with the formation of wrinkles.

The solution

Now let's go back to the undersigned: okay, I'm 30, but don't worry, I still don't have wrinkles, I won't stop playing sports and my wax is still normal, but in the light of this in-depth study, I decided to start preventing.
Without doing it on purpose, just in the days in which I deepen this topic on the web I come into contact with a cream that I immediately bought. It is called RILASTIL MULTIREPAIR S-FERULIC BI-GEL SERUM. Immediately after trying it, I knew it was what I was looking for since I can't stand creams that grease or dry excessively. The texture is light and quickly absorbed. Contains two powerful antioxidants: Ferulic Acid and Superoxide Dismutase. The latter, of biotechnological origin, is an antioxidant physiologically present in our cells, which has been introduced to enhance the natural defenses of our skin, neutralizing the superoxide radical, the most harmful. It also has depigmenting properties due to the exfoliating action of Mandelic Acid, thus also leading to a faster cell turnover.
Other specific anti-aging active ingredients exert an immediate protective, anti-aging and anti-fatigue effect: Resveratrol and Microcollagen increase the synthesis of elastin and collagen, Sweet Almond Oil and Sodium Hyaluronate form a reticulum with an immediate tightening effect on the skin.

In addition, the absence of surfactants makes it suitable for even the most sensitive skin !!

Well ... it's the cream I was looking for!

Tags:  Parenthood Lifestyle Love-E-Psychology