Pulsed light hair removal: what it is and how it works

Pulsed light hair removal appears to be the future of hair removal. Eliminates hair permanently, in a short time and very little painful compared to classic methods such as electric epilators and waxing.
Let's look together how it works, how the light pulses work, who cannot use it and which are the best pulsed light epilators to use at home.

But first of all, here are some tips on the secrets of hair removal in general:

How does pulsed light work?

This hair removal technique is similar to the laser one, with the difference that it is not a laser beam but an intense light, distributed in pulsations thanks to a lamp called "flash".

By absorbing this intense light, melanin, the pigment that colors the hair, undergoes a sharp increase in temperature. It transmits this heat to the hair bulb, which melts. The hair destruction technique using a flash lamp is therefore comparable to that of laser hair removal because it is based on the destruction of the hair pigment, melanin. For this reason, this hair removal technique has particularly effective results on dark hair.

Unlike traditional methods of hair removal, such as waxing - cold, hot or Arab - depilatory cream, razors and electric hair removal, this type of hair removal is not limited to removing the hair immediately but acts in depth with the purpose. to eliminate the regrowth in its entirety and definitively.

See also

Face pulsed light: pros and cons of this epilation method

Total hair removal

Groin hair removal: wax or razor? The best methods for int

Pulsed light: contraindications

Before thinking about IPL hair removal, it would be good to talk to a doctor. It is recommended that it be carried out by someone accustomed to this type of treatment. Before hair removal, the skin must not be tanned and must have been shaved with a razor about three days before. After covering the area to be treated with anesthetic cream, you will need to wear protective goggles for the duration of the hair removal.
It is necessary to carry out several sessions, a few weeks apart, to obtain the desired result on the treated area. It is good to avoid any exposure to sunlight for at least two weeks after the surgery, in order to avoid the formation of color spots. Our advice is to do it in winter for visible results and without hassle.

But what are the main contraindications of pulsed light? There are some cases in which it would be good to avoid this type of treatment:

  • if the areas to be treated have wounds, eczema, scars or atopic dermatitis
  • if you are taking medications that photosensitize the skin, such as the pill or antibiotics
  • If you have tanned skin
  • If you have dark skin
  • if you are a pregnant woman

Advantages and benefits of pulsed light hair removal

It is an effective method, such as laser hair removal. After treatment, the hairs are fine and rare and regrowth takes a long time.

It is almost painless: you will feel at most a pinch or a slight burn on the body

Pulsed light: prices and duration of treatment for an effective result

The treatment of pulsed light requires from 5 to 10 sessions: the number varies mainly according to the area. About 4 sessions are planned for the eyebrows and mustache, while in general, for the other parts of the body, the number is around 8 sessions.

The costs of pulsed light hair removal also vary depending on the area to be treated. It must be said that today, the price has reduced considerably over time, so it ranges from 30-40 euros for the groin and armpits up to 80-100 euros for the legs. In any case, the ideal would be to rely on to your trusted beautician who, in addition to guaranteeing you a safe and honest service, will be able to treat your case according to the specific characteristics of your hair and areas of your skin. Some women also choose this type of technique for a total depilation of the private parts, as it allows the intensity of the impulses to intervene without too much pain, guaranteeing a more than satisfactory result in most cases.

DIY pulsed light

If you are used to do-it-yourself hair removal or are fond of homemade waxing, and you want to try pulsed light, you can safely try this way: in fact, pulsed light devices are on the market to proceed with the do-it-yourself treatment at the lowest price. advantageous over multiple treatments.
Experts recommend, for this type of home treatment, to favor the hair removal products with IPL technology of well-known brands and above all in compliance with European safety regulations, complete with all the accessories to treat unwanted hair at home, with the CE mark as proof of quality and guarantee of results. Some of the most famous epilators are: Braun, Homedics, Imetec, Philips Lumea, Remington. Usually the pulses of IPL appliances intended for home use are slightly weakened compared to professional tools in beauty centers.

A general rule: always ask your dermatologist for advice before using a pulsed light epilator alone!

The best IPL epilators

We have selected the best epilator devices on the market. The price ranges from 80 to 500 euros. It is true, it is an important figure but in the end it is a great saving compared to 8/10 sessions at the beauty center for each area of ​​the body treated. Furthermore, you could always share the expense with a sister or a friend, but above all there are several options. on Amazon that will allow you to pay in installments. Let's see them together!

Philips BRI954 / 00 Lumea Prestige

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Philips Lumea with pulsed light hair removal technology allows all women tired of the old painful and temporary hair removal methods. Philips Lumea Prestige is a super safe technological gem for home use and guarantees up to 92% less hair after only the first 3 treatments. Amazon.

Buy it on offer on Amazon!

Braun Silk-expert Pro 5 PL5137MN Pulsed Light Epilator

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Braun Silk-expert, thanks to the special Senso-Adapt technology automatically adjusts the temperature of the light pulses and the intensity according to the areas of the body it treats to avoid burns. This IPL model is supplied with three different replacement heads to treat the face as well. and it is comfortable if you use it in two or three people.

You can find it discounted on Amazon!

Braun Silk expert Pro 5 PL5115 Pulsed Light Epilator for Men

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Particularly dedicated to thick, dark and resistant hair, such as male hair in particular, this pulsed light epilator is dermatologically accredited as safe for the skin by the Skin Health Alliance. Like the previous model, it features the SensoAdapt sensor which allows it to automatically adapt to the skin tone for an optimal balance between efficacy and safety. What makes it different is that it is 2x faster, 15% smaller and 25% lighter.

Thanks to Amazon Prime Day 2021 you can find it on Amazon for € 100 less than the original price!

The best budget epilator with accessories

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