The September 2021 horoscope: a month of love for water signs!

Aries: opposite planets ...

Dear Aries, the month of September will not be a walk for your sign, which will have to contend with different planets in opposition. Mercury will remain opposite for the entire month, making your return to work rather complicated, especially if you carry out an activity in contact with the public. The planet Venus, for its part, will remain in opposition until day 10: in the first part of the month you may experience a few more moments of tension with your partner. Finally, in the second half of September, Mars will also be in opposition, bringing you a little more tiredness.

Taurus: heart problems ...

Dear Taurus, the month of September is not going to be easy for your sign when it comes to feelings. In fact, starting from day 10, the planet Venus will enter into opposition: moments of tension may occur in your life as a couple which, in some cases, will also concern shared economic issues. Dissonant Jupiter does not facilitate success at work: you will have to bear patience until the month of December, when finally this planet will return to smile at you! Mars will continue to act in your favor until day 15, giving you energy and health.

Gemini: a tired start ...

Dear Gemini, the month of September begins with a little tiredness for your sign, who will have to endure a Mars in an unfavorable position until day 15. From that date you will be able to recover your energy little by little. Good on the work front: Jupiter and Mercury are ready to favor you and give you the opportunity you were waiting for. On the sentimental front, however, the first half of the month will be decidedly luckier than the second thanks to the planet Venus, active until day 10. From that date you may suffer a bit of boredom ... look for a way to bring liveliness into your relationship !

Did you know that the ascendant is just as important as the sun sign? If you still don't know yours, click here and calculate your ascendant!

Cancer: Venus takes care of it!

Dear Cancer, the month of September does not begin in the best way for your sign, which is having to deal with a Venus and a Mercury both in an unfavorable position. Fortunately, the planet Venus will return to smile at you as early as day 10: the sentimental difficulties of the last period will be only a distant memory and the serene will return to your life as a couple. On the work front, unfortunately, you will have to wait until October in order to achieve a desired result. Furthermore, starting from day 15, even Mars will turn its back, bringing you a little more tiredness.

Leo: discussions with partners ...

Dear Leo, the month of September for your sign will be quite lucky in terms of work, while it will bring you some more concerns in the area of ​​feelings. The planet Venus, in fact, is ready to support your love story only until day 10: starting from that date it will be easy to run into discussions and quarrels with your partner. Mercury, for its part, will continue to act in your favor throughout the month, giving you beautiful opportunities and new stimulating encounters. A beautiful energy will be guaranteed by the planet Mars starting from day 15.

Virgo: a month full of energy!

Dear Virgo, September will be very energetic for your sign, which will be able to count on the conjunction of the planet Mars until the middle of the month. There will be determination and the desire to do, which can push you to revolutionize some aspect of your life on the threshold of the autumn recovery: every change is welcome! Starting from day 10 you can also count on a splendid Venus in a favorable position, which will bless every new union. Even long-time couples will have a moment to remember ...

Libra: one more lucky month!

Dear Libra, September will be a very lucky month for your sign, which will be able to count on the conjunction of different planets, ready to give you emotions to remember! Until day 10 a beautiful Venus will shine in your sign: your love life will go great and for singles there could be important meetings. Mercury and Jupiter, for their part, will guarantee you success on the professional front. Furthermore, starting from day 15, the planet Mars will also enter your sign: you will feel more energetic than ever and full of enthusiasm!

Scorpio: Long live love!

Dear Scorpio, September will be the month of love for your sign which, starting from day 10, will welcome the planet Venus in conjunction! The sentimental difficulties that some of you have experienced - especially at the beginning of the summer - will be only a distant memory: now there will be a fabulous love story waiting for you and, for old couples, the passion will return to being that of the beginnings. Mars will be active in your favor until the middle of the month: in the second part of September there may be a little extra fatigue, mainly linked to the sphere of work.

Sagittarius: a good shot!

Dear Sagittarius, after a summer of ups and downs, the September recovery promises to be the best! The planet Venus will smile at you until day 10, giving you a very lucky first part of the month as far as feelings are concerned. Mercury and Jupiter, for their part, will act in your favor throughout the month of September, ready to bring you good news even in the field of work. Finally, Mars will stop making you feel tired and out of sorts starting on day 15, when it will come back active in your favor, granting you lots of new energy.

Capricorn: a bit heavy month ...

Dear Capricorn, the month of September will be a bit heavy for your sign, especially in its second half, when the planet Mars will make an unfavorable transit, taking away your energy. On the work front, there may be some hitch or delay due to the dissonance of Mercury which, unfortunately, will remain in the sign of Libra for the whole month. Better, however, on the front of the feelings, in which you can count on a beautiful Venus, favorable starting from day 10: in your life as a couple, starting from that date, the serene will return.

Aquarius: good news on the way ...

Dear Aquarius, the month of September will be positive for your sign, especially with regard to general energy and the scope of work. In the sentimental sphere, however, tensions could occur, especially starting from day 10, when you can no longer count on the support of the planet Venus. Instead, both the planet Mercury and the planet Jupiter will be on your side for the whole month and - starting from day 15 - also Mars: you may receive good news or an important call to carry out a project that is close to your heart.

Pisces: always better!

Dear Pisces, finally - after a rather heavy summer for your sign - September will bring some serenity back into your life, on all fronts! Starting from day 10, the planet Venus will be active again in your favor, ready to give you some good news in the field of feelings. Singles, finally, could meet someone interesting ... Furthermore, starting from day 15, the planet Mars will stop being in opposition: the psychophysical fatigue of the last period will be only a distant memory and, little by little, you will be able to recover the energies.

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