Hair supplements: the best to show off a top hair!

Hair supplements are useful in seasonal changes and after summer, when the hair undergoes oxidative stress that compromises its beauty and accentuates its fall, especially in us women. A physiological fall, to counteract which is recommended act on several fronts: nutrition, cosmetics and food supplementation.

To combat this phenomenon it is also very important to keep the scalp, which does not mean washing your hair every day, but doing it correctly. In this video we show you how.

What are hair supplements for?

To have beautiful hair it is essential to follow a correct diet, which includes foods that contain the same properties as the hair fiber: vitamins A, B, C and E, minerals such as zinc, with a sebum-regulating action, iron, which prevents the fall, copper, which accelerates the processes of keratinization, silicon, magnesium, manganese and amino acids, which regenerate cells.

These elements are found in fruit, vegetables, fish, legumes, cereals, meat and derivatives, milk, seafood, spinach, and tomatoes.

When we do not take sufficient doses of these foods - or in periods when we need them most - it can be useful to use specific supplements for hair and nails, which help us keep them beautiful, strong and healthy.

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When to take hair and nail supplements

If the diet is unbalanced or not enough to strengthen the hair, it is useful to take specific supplements for cycles not less than 3 months, the time needed to see the first results.

It is possible to resort to a therapy based on supplements for weak hair and nails that flake off even in all those cases in which these problems are related to stress, physical debilitation due to a long illness, or in case you have undergone a crash diet, as well as during the season changes, in which they are affected by the hormonal changes typical of these periods of the year.

Finally even when hair loss strikes after a pregnancy (postpartum effluvium) or in case of seborrhea (excess sebum that makes the hair greasy), a treatment based on specific supplements may be useful.

© iStock

The best supplements to combat hair loss and have strong nails

The best and most effective hair and nail supplements are those based on amino acids, such as cysteine, cystine, guanine, i.e. elements that form the keratin.

Here are some specific ones to have healthy hair and strong and healthy nails.

© PHYTO PHYTOPHANERE hair and nails supplement - 35 euros

If in addition to acting from the inside, you want to counteract the weakening of the hair also with products targeted for cleansing and styling, browse this gallery with the best ones dedicated to damaged and dull hair.

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