The alpha male: how to distinguish him from the beta man and how to conquer him

The alpha male is that "man who - to quote an outdated advertisement -" must never ask. " ethology, that is the science that deals with the animal world. In the animal kingdom, in fact, the alpha male is that "specimen of a certain species that clearly stands out in the herd, imposing itself on others not in a forced manner, but for behavioral characteristics (in the case of" man we could say "character") that they are proper.

If in the animal world, the alpha male is the first to have the right to choose the female with which to reproduce, fortunately among us humans it does not work exactly like that! Yet, it must be admitted that this subject, thanks to his particular charisma and that exude self-confidence, has no difficulty in making a woman fall at his feet. In fact, there are not a few women who are fascinated by this "man who is always very direct, who knows his stuff, instills a feeling of great security, is dominant, but - be careful - without being aggressive.

The alpha male is a born leader, he will always tend to take positions of control at every level of society because it will be his charisma that naturally brings others to give him power. He is not interested in pleasure, he does not compromise: he knows that, in the end, with his charm he will be able to get exactly what he wants.

The alpha male is not a narcissist: the two definitions must be distinguished. The narcissist primarily loves himself and is unable to love another person, while the alpha man is self-confident but also honest in his feelings. His is a dominant male personality, but not devoid of genuineness and no frills. It is difficult not to be fascinated by it ... Let's see together more closely what its characteristics are, how to distinguish it from the beta male and how to conquer it!

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What are the characteristics of an alpha male?

How to recognize an alpha male? There are some distinctive features that allow us to identify it with a certain degree of confidence. First of all, as anticipated, this "man has great confidence in himself: he knows who he is, what he wants, and does not fear the judgment of others. This characteristic is particularly seductive for women ...

Self-confidence leads him not to give up easily and to always show a lot of firmness and a lot of pulse in the face of the unexpected and adversities of life. The true alpha male is one who fights, who does not give up in the face of obstacles, ready to show a lot of courage, strength and determination.

His spirit as a leader is innate: the alpha male is the classic man who, in any social situation, even among strangers, in a short time becomes the center of attention, the one that everyone would like to become lovers or friends of. This characteristic makes them very popular and successful, in every area of ​​their life.

Also on the professional front they are men who are quick to impose themselves and achieve great goals: ambition characterizes them precisely because reaching a position of power satisfies their being dominant males by nature. nobody, and this also on the emotional level: if they choose to be with a woman it is because they love her, not because they need her.

With women they can be funny, they often have a very sexy humor, which is hardly silly. Moreover, they are always stimulating and able to give many emotions.

A last important feature concerns the aesthetics: the true alpha male takes care of the physical form, which is usually very handsome, as it happens in the animal kingdom. Beauty is not secondary in distinguishing a dominant male, even if - obviously - there are no standards to define it: the alpha male will always have some detail (from the look to the way of dressing) capable of seducing at first glance.

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Alpha male and body language: how to recognize him through non-verbal communication

Body language can also help us spot a true alpha male. This type of man, first of all, never lowers his gaze: self-confidence allows him to never have to pull back in a conversation or in a difficult situation.

Usually he walks calmly, his movements do not show haste, precisely because he does not need to prove anything: he knows that others will always wait for him. Even when he speaks he is usually calm and relaxed. His tone of voice is usually deep, but also serene.

If you are in a group, pay attention to it: the alpha male will tend to be surrounded by others and women will often seek physical contact with him, even if only with a hand on his shoulder ... Non-verbal communication hardly lies! Watch our video on 7 tricks to understand people's body language:

What if the beta male is better?

Men certainly don't like being called "beta males": on the internet their searches are all focused on "how to become an alpha male", but the truth is that a true alpha male is born, not made! However, although women have always been seduced by alpha males, there are not a few who end up preferring him - perhaps after a troubled relationship - a beta male.

The beta male is what any alpha male would define as a "doormat man", a man who constantly pays attention to his woman, who proves to have a strong feminine sensitivity and to be not at all self-centered, but capable of listening.

Of course, the beta male is inevitably less sexy than the alpha male, but - with his attentions and gallant gestures - he can still get to the heart of a woman who, perhaps, at first glance, was more fascinated by an alpha man. .

After all, many women love romantic gestures, good manners, constant presence. An alpha could make them feel insecure because, as much as you respect them, they will continue to be the center of attention generating possible jealousies. Furthermore, it will be difficult for them to spend themselves in words full of romance or long courtships: he is one who does not have to ask, that wastes no time, aim the prey and go!

If you have a problem, a beta will be able to listen to your moans for hours, showing you understanding, encouraging you, telling you the right words, letting you feel his closeness and then making you a dinner with his hands to cheer you up. Forget all this from an alpha man! He can't stand hearing you moan for more than two minutes straight. On the other hand, if he can do something very practical and pragmatic to solve your problem, you can be sure he will!

In short, we realize that these are generalizations and, after all, there is a "bit" of beta and a bit of alpha in all men (and also in women!), But reflecting on certain psychological mechanisms can help us to understand what we want from our relationship and what is best for us.

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How to conquer it?

If you want to conquer a dominant male (you are quite sure what you are doing, right?), You will need to do some "psychological play" with him. Remember that he likes to conquer, so it will be essential to be able to seduce him without him noticing: he must have the impression of having done everything by himself, his predatory masculinity is at stake!

So let him lead the game, at least in the beginning. In this phase of learning focus on two things: is he really an alpha male or is he just a dominant and aggressive person? Because in the second case it is certainly not good to continue! Second: are you really in love with him or does he just fascinate you? It is a risk that is very easy to take with these subjects ...

If you are sure that he is the right person for you, it will only be about finding your balance as a couple, which is not easy. But this, after all, applies to everyone!

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