International Day against Violence against Women: the shocking numbers and the initiatives to say Stop!

The numbers are shocking and the daily news stories speak for themselves: every two days a woman is killed at the hands of a man, in most cases, a partner, an ex or a family member of the victim. In fact, today, 25 November, the International Day Against Violence Against Women is celebrated, established in 1999 by the United Nations in order to raise public awareness on an issue that has now become a real scourge of modern society.The date in question was chosen in memory of the murder of the three Mirabal sisters, who rebelled against the Trujillo regime in the Dominican Republic in the 1960s.

According to the Eures report, 2013 was a black year: 179 femicides were in fact in Italy, more than half of which occurred in the North. Unfortunately, the percentage of women victims of violence by a man is also growing in the Center and South.

But there are more than a million in total in our country, women who end up in the network of male abuse, with acts of physical and psychological violence ranging from stalking to slapping up to rape and acid attacks, alarming numbers that register a frightening growth compared to 2012. However, there are relatively few women who find the courage to denounce, in addition to fear and shame, a lack and adequate assistance of the social fabric and institutions, still not very present in reality.

In order to raise public awareness with concrete gestures that attract attention to the issue, the United Nations has promoted the initiative "Orange the world in 16 day", inviting you to wear orange garments, the official color of the campaign, in the 16 days of activism that follow this day. The initiative also provides for the sharing on various social networks of photographic shots with people wearing orange clothing, accompanied by the hashtag #orangeourworld, always with a view to greater focus on the delicate issue, through the social world, which has now become the true vehicle for the transmission and widespread dissemination of trends, topics and themes.

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There are also many events on the subject organized throughout Italy to say no to violence: meetings, exhibitions, theatrical performances, flash mobs. Among these, in Milan, at the "Auditorium Ca" Granda, the theatrical show entitled I love you to madness-Stop violence; another way to celebrate the day is to go to the Wall of dolls in via De Amicis, a space created on 21 June as a warning to female "suffering". Finally, in Piazza San Babila, anti-violence clementines will be offered, given by the entrepreneurs of Confagricoltura Donna Calabria: it is an "idea of ​​the coordination of women CGIL, CISL and UIL in memory of Fabiana Luzi killed by her ex-boyfriend in a citrus grove.

Here you can see the complete infographic with all the data and numbers relating to the topic of gender-based violence.

Even the alfemminile team says #Stop to violence against women

Tags:  Properly Old-Luxury Women-Of-Today