Karma phrases: all the most beautiful, deep and funny phrases

The law of karma, as we know, governs the universe and our lives using a very simple principle: everything you do will come back to you in the form it deserves. In addition to teaching us patience, this theory based on the law cause and effect, it reminds us that with time we will be rewarded for the good deeds committed and the shared love or, on the contrary, it will make us pay for the evil and evil done.

This is why the best way to live peacefully is to behave well and not worry too much about the lives of others, because karma will think about it. This also applies to the unfortunate encounters that we will make sooner or later on our journey: of course, it is better to take precautions and understand how to avoid them or minimize them to ensure a more peaceful and pleasant existence.

Here, then, is a series of quotes on karma and its power: from the most beautiful phrases by authors and thinkers of today and yesterday to the most ironic and amusing aphorisms to remind ourselves of the power of this mysterious force that governs the " universe and our lives.

See also

Karma: what it is and what its laws are

Nice good morning phrases: the most beautiful quotes to start t

The Law of Karma: how cause and effect works in love and in any other environment

What we have done, the result of it comes back to us today, tomorrow, a hundred years later, a hundred lifetimes later and forever. And so, it is our own karma. This is why killing is a sin in any religion.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Karma, when properly understood, is only the mechanics through which consciousness manifests itself.
Deepak Chopra

As you have planted, so you reap; such is the field of Karma.
Shri Guru-Granth Sahib

We enter this life with the experience of another life, and the luck or misfortune of this existence is the result of our actions in a previous existence
Swami Vivekananda

My actions are my only true effects. I cannot escape the consequences of my actions. My actions are the ground I am on.
Thich Nhat Hanh

How others treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.
Wayne Dyer

Trust in karma needs to be developed. At the right time, it will give us our due.
Rudolf Steiner

Whenever you do something, it is not just you who is involved in it, the Whole is involved in it. Your responsibility is immense. You don't have to close only your personal karma: your biography is the entire history of the world.

The person who is fundamentally bad by nature will always be averse to good deeds. It is always related to bad karma.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib

There is a destiny that makes us brothers: no one goes his own way alone. Everything we do in the lives of others returns to ours.
Edwin Markham

Those who pray for your downfall are focusing negative thoughts on you, not taking note of the slippery ground they are standing on, which could lead to their downfall.
Michael Bassey Johnson

I believe in karma. I believe that you receive what you have given.
Randy Pausch

Watch your thoughts, because they become words. Watch your words, because they become actions. Watch your actions, because they become habits. Observe your habits, because they become character. Observe your character, because it becomes your destiny.

A man is born alone and dies alone; and experiences the good and bad consequences of his karma on his own; and goes alone to hell or to the supreme abode.

God has no resolution; no karma sticks to Him.
Ramana Maharshi

"What you sow, you will reap." The law of Karma is inexorable, evasion is impossible. God's help is almost no longer needed, he made the law and then it is as if he had left the scene.
Mahatma Gandhi

Ignorant people think they can act badly and get away with it. What they don't understand is what we give comes back! I love the smell of karma in the air.

When you lose, don't miss the lesson.
Dalai Lama

Each of us is born with a solitary task to carry out and those we meet help him do it or make it even more difficult: unfortunate is the one who cannot distinguish one from the other.
Christian Bobin

There is no other way to reclaim the glory and freedom of the human spirit and to reconcile the inequalities and horrors of this world than to place all the weight on the legitimate cause - our independent actions, or karma.
Swami Vivekananda

As the blazing fire reduces the wood to ashes, so the fire of wisdom reduces all karma to ashes.
Bhagavad Gita

Karma moves in two directions. If we act virtuously, the seeds we plant will result in happiness. If we act without virtue, suffering will result.
Sakyong Mipham

Karma is saying good words, thinking good thoughts, doing good deeds.

Our lives are not ours. From womb to womb we are linked to others, past and present, and from each bad deed and each kindness, we give birth to our future.
David Mitchell

Men are not punished for their sins, but for their sins.
Elbert Hubbard

No one came into the world to fulfill another's ambitions. Everyone has their own ambitions, the limits of their karma. Each man is born to be himself. If you have even the slightest expectation of someone else, it will work like a poison.

Karma is, in its effects, an infallible remedy for human injustice and for all the failures of nature; a severe reparer of wrongs; a pay law that rewards and punishes with equal impartiality. Karma does not look anyone in the face, and it cannot be propitiated or diverted by prayer.
Helena Blavatsky

Everyone is responsible for what happens and has the power to decide what they want to be. Who you are today is the result of your past decisions and choices. What you will be tomorrow will be the result of your actions today.
Swami Vivekananda

Problems or successes are all the results of our own actions. Karma. The philosophy of action is that no one else is the bringer of peace and happiness. Your karma, your actions are responsible for happiness, success or whatever.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

The law of Karma instills hope for the future and resignation for the past.
Mario Ingaramo

Each of us holds a thread and that thread leads us to our star. Each of us has a star in the sky and our destiny is to learn to follow it. Our karma is written in its wake, if we let go of the thread all is lost, tangles are formed.
Susanna Tamaro

We sow what we reap ... We reap what we sow! We reap what we sow. The law of cause and effect. And we are all under this law.
Nina Hagen

Karma is not a punishment or a reward, but a natural consequence of life choices made knowingly or unknowingly. Any suffering or pleasure that the soul might experience in the current life is caused by choices it has made in the past
Herman Kuhn

There are waves and there is wind, there are visible and invisible forces. Everyone has these same elements in their life, the visible and invisible, karma and free will.
Kuan Yin

The personal soul, which regulates consciousness and provides the mold for the kind of person each of us is capable of becoming, is influenced by the gestures we make that can improve or worsen our karma.
Deepak Chopra

Don't count each day that passes for what you reap, but count it for what you sow.
Robert Louis Stevenson

Never forget this truth: everything you receive from life is equal to what you have given to life. This is in summary the theory of karma, of the actions of your past: whatever you give, you will receive it.

Even chance encounters are the result of karma… Life events are related to our previous lives.
Haruki Murakami

When you do an act of kindness you get a wonderful feeling inside. It's like something inside your body responds and says, yes, yes, this is how I should feel.
Harold Kushner

Follow the 3 R. Respect for others. Respect for yourself. Liability for your actions.
Dalai Lama

Every action of our life touches some chord that vibrates forever.
Edwin Hubbel Chapin

"The Lord's millstones grind slowly ... but to the last grain". The law of cause and effect works in fact so that each of us has to reap, life after life, what he has sown.

Remember: do nothing when you are in the state of mind in which the poison has the upper hand. Wait up. Act when love has the upper hand; that's all. And you will create a chain reaction, you will run into the law of karma. Do something in a moment of negativity, and you will find yourself trapped in an endless chain reaction.

There is a road in life. The funny thing is that you only notice when it's over. You turn around and say "oh, look, there's a thread". When you live you don't see the thread, yet it is there. Because all the decisions you make, all the choices you make are determined, it is believed, by free will, but even that is a lie. They are determined by something inside you that is first your instincts, and then by something that the Indians call the karma accumulated up to then.
Tiziano Terzani

Life is an echo. What you send, comes back. What you sow you reap. What you give you get. What you see in others exists in you.
Zig Zigler

Funny quotes about karma: the funniest quotes about the evil received

And to conclude with a smile and some funny images, here are some funny phrases about karma to take life and its rules in a lighter way and a pinch of irony.

In comparison with reincarnation and karma, all other opinions seem small and negligible.
Richard Wagner

If you keep saying things are going wrong, you have a good chance of becoming a prophet of yourself.
Isaac Bashevis

I want revenge, but I don't want to ruin my karma.

Men cannot get everything they pay for in this world; but they certainly have to pay for everything they get.
Frederick Douglas

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