Francesco Chiofalo insults a follower on social media for his physical appearance.

From victim to executioner. This is precisely the case of Francesco Chiofalo, known as Lenticchio, an influencer made known by the cameras of Temptation Island in 2017.
A little less than a year ago, a service of "Le iene" had made known a diagnosis of the boy's brain tumor, following the whole story.
Shortly after, on social media, many people had questioned the veracity of the diagnosis, putting Lenticchio in the media pillory.

Recently, also in a service of the Mediaset program, Chiofalo was accused of having insulted a follower on Instagrama.
"You're fat", "your breath stinks" "your husband must give an Oscar to sleep with you". These and other insults were addressed to Martina, a girl who on her profile had commented in a rather acidic way on the controversies between Francesco and his ex-girlfriend, Antonella Fiordelisi, who for days had been making their discussions spectacular with stories on Instagram.
For this reason, at "Le Iene" they organized a fake audition for Francesco, where a visibly overweight girl was examining him who continued to "put him in crisis" by asking him to try to approach her, to test his acting skills.

It goes without saying that Chiofalo was unable to take the figure of the recruiter seriously at all, just because she was different from the women he usually frequents. "Me, with girls, let's say .... voluminous? No, never in life!" the boy says, between grinning and embarrassed.
Eventually Martina appears, the girl insulted on social media by Francesco himself, in the role of the recruiter's sister.
The two hyenas who created the service also appear and everything is resolved with Chiofalo's apologies.

But according to the previews, this evening there will be new implications on the story.That Francesco Chiofalo has insulted someone else? Considering the attitude of sufficiency with which he apologized to the follower and his hatred towards overweight people, probably yes.
We'll see.

Tags:  Old-Test - Psyche In Shape Marriage