Kasia Smutniak's filter to celebrate the beauty of diversity

Almost a year has passed since the day Kasia Smutniak published the first photo on social media in which she clearly showed the signs of vitiligo. It is a syndrome that removes pigments from some parts of the skin, which, consequently, will appear much lighter than the rest of the complexion. The actress has been "suffering" from it for seven years, but only last year did she find the courage to appear natural, without resorting to the help of Photoshop or correctors.

It wasn't easy, but talking about it helped her

The acceptance process lived, in every sense, on her own skin was not easy for Kasia, who shortly after the report, felt lost and scared and today she is not afraid to admit it.

"That moment of fear and uncertainty for the 'after', I will never forget. On the one hand I was proud of having shown a new me, on the other I was afraid of not being accepted, in my work for example or of feeling laughed at, observed. And do you know what happened next? Nothing".

The Polish-born actress and model explains, in fact, that she only received great support from friends, family, colleagues and followers, that she never felt judged and that the closeness of people with her own "particularity" was a precious gift during moments of despair.

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A super body-positive filter!

Thus, in full body-positive spirit, Kasia has seen fit to devise a filter that simulates the typical vitiligo “spots” on the faces.

"There are hundreds of Insta filters that make you more beautiful, uglier, more cat, more astronaut or more I don't know what ... why not make a beauty filter that shows you how you would be with vitiligo?"

No sooner said than done. Since yesterday, by going to Kasia's Instagram profile, it is possible to try the #Beautyligo filter. “A tribute to the beauty of diversity”, as she defines it, finally proud of her own uniqueness.

Whether they are moles, blemishes, scars or stretch marks, let's stop calling them "defects". We learn to consider them "particular" that make us unique and special. We have already tried Kasia's filter and what are you waiting for?

Tags:  Fashion Beauty Old-Luxury