Fibromyalgia: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatments and recommended therapies

Fibromyalgia is a rather complex chronic disease, the causes of which can be different and for which, after being diagnosed with the initial symptoms, there is no real definitive cure.

It is a pathology that also involves very debilitating disorders and for which, however, more than one therapy can be experimented to find the most suitable one on a case-by-case basis and combat chronic pain and muscle tension. Let's explore together what fibromyalgia is, what its symptoms are, its causes, how to diagnose it and the most common treatments.

What is fibromyalgia? The initial symptoms and the most common ailments

The word "fibromyalgia" derives from the Greek words "pain", "muscles" and "fibrous tissues": it is in fact a disease that causes pain in the musculoskeletal system and, in particular, widespread muscle tension, asthenia and other symptoms which can be quite variable Fibromyalgia can strike in milder forms, easily resolved with a work on the symptoms, or in more severe forms, which require more complex therapies.

The symptom that most characterizes fibromyalgia is widespread pain (symmetrically on both sides of the body), which can present itself in the form of "hyperalgesia" (very intense pain generated by pressure / mild stimulation) and / or "allodynia" ( very intense pain in response to a non-painful stimulation).

This chronic pain is characterized by a certain persistence: traditional painkillers and anti-inflammatories are not enough to calm it. It can occur in any part of the body or even in several parts at the same time, mainly affecting the neck, back, shoulders and arms, and vary greatly from person to person.

Fibromyalgia is associated as the predominant symptom with asthenia, that is, that sense of constant and debilitating fatigue that can lead to serious deficits in the social and working life of those who suffer from it, also affecting the quality of sleep. hours, you wake up tired anyway, or you may suffer from insomnia.

Other symptoms of fibromyalgia are headache, tingling of the hands or legs with consequent sensitivity disturbances, decreased muscle strength, fasciculation (spontaneous muscle contraction), states of anxiety, irritability, difficulty concentrating and depression.

See also

Interstitial cystitis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Breast cancer: symptoms, causes, treatments, and the importance of prevention

Claustrophobia: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Fibromyalgia: the causes

The causes of fibromyalgia are not easily identifiable, since many different factors can cause it, even quite variable from case to case. Often one begins to suffer from it after having experienced a strong psychological stress or physical trauma, but it can also happen that the pathology explodes suddenly without an obvious cause.

Among the most accredited causes in triggering fibromyalgia we therefore find psychophysical stress, hormonal imbalances, alterations in the level of neurotransmitters with malfunction of neuronal networks, of the endocrine and immune systems. In addition, it has been found that particular infections, such as mononucleosis, can be associated with fibromyalgia.

Genetic predisposition can also be a trigger, although it has not yet been scientifically proven.

Fibromyalgia Diagnosis

Given the complexity of the symptoms, it is very difficult to diagnose this disease exactly. There are no specific tests: doctors must analyze symptoms, try manual stimulation of painful points, evaluate complete physical exams and the patient's medical history, and then obtain a diagnosis.

It will also be a question of excluding, by means of a differential diagnosis, other possible diseases that could present in part the same symptoms. The important thing, therefore, is to rely on a competent doctor.

Fibromyalgia: do you die or recover? Is there a definitive cure? Treatments and therapies

Fibromyalgia can become a truly disabling disease and, unfortunately, there is no definitive cure. However, there are many and increasingly developed therapies that allow you to keep symptoms at bay, significantly improving your quality of life.

A first therapeutic approach can be of a pharmacological nature, obviously to be carried out under medical supervision. It seems that antidepressants can help combat symptoms, especially tricyclics, given in low doses. Generally, these drugs are taken together with muscle relaxants. Antiepileptics may also be recommended, especially in the presence of hyperalgesia.

Another possible therapy to combat fibromyalgia is TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator), which consists of transcutaneous electrical stimulation.

Given the importance, then, of the psychological factor, it can be useful to start a mood and sleep. Start immediately with some home stretching exercises:

Fibromyalgia and nutrition

A healthy diet can be a valuable aid in preventing and treating fibromyalgia. Having low fat is essential for fat and reducing sugar. Also reduce the use of salt and the consumption of tea and coffee. Drink plenty of water and completely eliminate super alcohol.

Red meat should only be consumed in small quantities, while white meat, fish, eggs and dairy products should be preferred for a protein diet. Absolutely recommended to consume seasonal fruit and vegetables. All the vegetable proteins are excellent: find out immediately what they are by browsing our album!

For further information you can also consult the website of the Italian Association of Fibromyalgia Syndrome and the publication of the AMRER on the diagnosis and treatment of fibromyalgia

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