Bath the baby


We tend to wash babies too often, but beware: too frequent bathing can cause allergies. The ideal is a bath every day or every two days, in the evening or in the morning, depending on your sleep patterns. Allow a considerable amount of time, better to take a long and careful bath than to multiply quick baths every day. After an eventful day, bathing will help your baby relax and fall asleep better.

Fear of water

See also

How to bathe your newborn: all the precautions to be taken

Your baby is one year old

The second month of the baby's life

Some babies love water, others are more fearful. Generally, the sensation of water is familiar, as the baby, let us remember, spent nine months immersed in amniotic fluid. However, some babies may develop a blockage during the first few weeks. The bathroom, in this case, can become a real torture. A single bad experience (water that is too hot or too cold, soap in the eyes ...) can be enough to cause water to be associated with this bad memory. The child's rejection can also be caused by a feeling of insecurity, if the first time the bath was not a success.

> This is why it is very important to be very determined and have self-confidence: the child will feel this and will be reassured. Start with short baths (5 minutes) and then, as he begins to feel comfortable, leave him in the water for longer.


> Think about preheating the bathroom: the ideal temperature is 22 ° / 23 °. Always fill the bath tub before you immerse your baby in it. This way you will avoid making him wait in the cold or scaring him with the sound of the tap. The water must be around 36/37 °. Check the temperature with a thermometer or with your elbow.

> Small practical detail: if the changing table is outside the bathroom, place a thick towel next to the bathtub, so that you can undress and dry the baby, avoiding the stress of transport and the risk of falls. Choose a hard plastic bath tub that fits your child's size.

> The necessary material: when the baby is in the bath, everything must be within reach. Prepare a small basket: soap, shampoo, towel, underwear, clean diapers, toys… To distract him, you can put suitable toys in the water, to transform the bath into a moment of pleasure and play.

> The soap: hypoallergenic and soap-free, or a dermatological soap, preferably without paraben (substance widely used, but suspected of being carcinogenic). Opt for a mild shampoo that doesn't sting your eyes.

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> First of all, tell the baby that it is time for a bath. As you prepare it, do not hesitate to explain how you will proceed.

> To lather: you can lather the baby either on the changing table or directly in the water. By undressing and lathering him, keep in touch with him and reassure him: a hand on his stomach, one on his forehead ... you could also take advantage to name all the parts of his body , inviting him to participate in this game. You can use a very soft washcloth, but avoid sponges, which are receptacles for microbes. Wash it well under the folds of the skin and on the head, as up to 3-4 months the baby sweats a lot .

> Avoid getting his face wet, so as not to scare him. To wash his hair, simply run your hand over his head, throwing the water back. Wash your face at another time.

> Your gestures must be delicate, but determined. Your baby will feel protected. Be careful to always hold the baby by the nape of the neck (with the left arm if you are not left-handed) when he is in the bath. If you want, however, you can also get it used a little at a time to soak the back of the neck.


All your attention must be directed to the baby, you are there only for him! Don't go away to get the soap or toy you left in the next room, or even worse, to answer the phone. Know that a newborn can drown in 15 cm of water in a matter of seconds ...

After the bath

> Pay attention to drying: gently pat the baby with the towel. The ideal? Choose a hooded bathrobe so it doesn't get cold in the head.

> If the bath is heated well, you can also give it a quick massage with a fragrance-free oil. Or you can use a protective after-bath moisturizer.

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