Distance learning: new methods and strengths

Schools closed, opening at a later date with the hypothesis (not so unlikely) of reopening in September. In a short time and certainly without any preparation or simulation, the school was able to cope with the emergency. Teachers and students of all ages, have managed to stay connected and not to transform the closure at home into a sort of vacation (with the great joy of parents struggling with smartworking). Of course, every now and then we miss the traditional school, made up of physical and visual contact and close emotions but certainly also the Italian school we are witnessing in these days has a lot to teach us!

The new role of teachers

The teachers were ready to fill a new role, to give up the day off and even Sunday rest to get ready and take action.They did it, there is no doubt: they reached every student and showed everyone that the teachers are there, that the school is there, it is by their side. Through tablets and smartphones they have created an even more solid and stronger contact than what normally happens in the classroom. The hours in front of the screen, for teachers, do not end with the lessons. Our teachers also found themselves having to deal with a somewhat ancient bureaucracy, with programs that must necessarily be finished. In short, there are not a few aspects in which a bit of healthy elasticity is lacking and certainly there was no lack of problems.

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The new role of students

Let's talk about education, at the time of the Coronavirus. There are no classes, every boy or child takes lessons from their home. And it does so with diligence and a sense of responsibility, which - we must admit - surprises us. It is an unprecedented territory that lost is proving to be winning: in the end, school is, or at least it should, be precisely this, the place (symbolic and certainly not physical) where to grow, learn and experiment. If the programs do not have to be completed to the last page this year, that's not bad. It will mean that the boys will make up for it next year. What is certain is that in these interminable days at home the school is for them a precious opportunity for recreation and training and is offering them a much more important life lesson. Distance learning is turning out to be a real window to the outside world for them and also an opportunity to set (and not lose) the rules: wake up, breakfast, get dressed and go to school!

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Graduating from a distance

Distance teaching concerns all school classes: from the youngest to high school and university. In recent months Italy has been churning out the first distance graduates, guys who took the exam connected in chat with the commission and who, even if in the living room, were able to express their talent and reach the desired goal. , despite the emergency across our country.

Beautiful initiatives of modern times: the AIRC Foundation

Given the prolonged suspension of school lessons throughout Italy, the AIRC Foundation has made available to students, parents and teachers a series of online scientific contents useful for distance learning while waiting for their return to class.

It deals with precious contents, of different nature and type. They range from online educational sessions with experts and scientists from the AIRC Foundation, to scientific-themed video pills that involve numerous AIRC testimonials, up to educational kits designed to meet the needs of various age groups, from younger children to older students.

© AIRC_I eat well to be well

What the school teaches us today

The first thing that transpires from the quick reorganization that involved high schools, but also middle schools and even primary schools is a life lesson. You cannot stop, even when life offers you the conditions to do so. It is precisely then that it becomes essential to roll up your sleeves and commit even more! In short, a school that teaches life. Today more than ever.

Studying at home is nothing new for everyone! Do you know that many celebrities instead of going to school have studied at home?

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