How to whiten teeth with baking soda: a natural whitener

Baking soda is a natural whitener that can be used to make teeth white and shiny. By continuing to read this article, you will discover all the ways to make your teeth whiter with baking soda. Always having bicarbonate of soda in the case is also very useful for many other purposes, one of these for example can be to use it for a pedicure or even for a homemade scrub.

  1. How to whiten your teeth: bicarbonate of soda
  2. How to whiten your teeth: other natural remedies
  3. Tips for white, shiny and healthy teeth

How to whiten your teeth: bicarbonate of soda

Even if they are not as effective as the professional treatment, which is carried out with a spray of air, water and sodium bicarbonate, natural whiteners can contribute to the aesthetics of the smile, eliminating stains and yellowing of the teeth. The natural remedies of the past they actually improve the aesthetic appearance of our teeth. Some natural whitening treatments are gentle and inexpensive, others attack teeth too aggressively and can ruin the enamel. However, the natural attribute does not mean 100% safe and every substance must be used appropriately and cautiously, especially if you are not experienced enough in its side effects. Sodium bicarbonate, for example, is an excellent whitener, but, if used continuously and in exaggerated quantities, it can lead to hypersensitivity of the teeth, alterations of the oral bacterial flora and bleeding of the gums. This substance is often used at home, as an antacid against heartburn, as a digestive, to soak the chickpeas in the evening and for washing curtains added to washing machine detergent. But it is also one of the best known natural whiteners and used in DIY or dental surgeries. Its whitening action is abrasive. By mixing a teaspoon with a little water it becomes a natural whitening toothpaste, especially if you add a few drops of lemon. Given its effectiveness, it is often included in the components of some whitening toothpastes with the term backing soda. The bicarbonate removes stains and yellowing of the teeth and gives them whiteness and light. However, it is necessary to rinse the mouth very well after use. It is advisable not to use it too frequently, because the abrasion takes away the enamel of the teeth; the correct doses must be respected, as it increases the pH of the mouth, altering the bacterial flora; it should not be used with dentin and root cement in sight; it can make your teeth more sensitive.

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How to whiten your teeth: other natural remedies

Sage is also a good antibacterial and whitening remedy for teeth. Removes stains, whitens teeth and eliminates bad breath. Frequent use (not to be used more than twice a week) can cause dentine hypersensitivity. In addition to being natural whiteners, with no particular contraindications, apples, celery and carrots keep the breath fresh, hindering the bacteria that cause halitosis.
Malic acid is found in fruit, especially apples (in abundant quantities in green ones) and strawberries. These fruits can be rubbed or pulped and spread on the teeth for five minutes. Green apple juice can also be a good mouthwash to use from time to time. Malic acid makes teeth white and bright; it should be used no more than twice a week, because it can damage tooth enamel. Lemon is another excellent natural whitener that is widely used because it makes it shiny and white your teeth yellowed by smoke. You can use the juice to rinse or add it to the paste of water and bicarbonate or rub the rind on your teeth. It must not be abused, as its strong acidity can erode the enamel of the teeth. "use, the mouth should be washed with plenty of warm water. The rubbed orange peel on the teeth has the same effect as the lemon peel.

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Tips for white, shiny and healthy teeth

Hydrogen peroxide or hydrogen peroxide is the best whitener, but it must be used with caution and above all it must absolutely not be ingested. 3% hydrogen peroxide can only rarely be used as a teeth whitener or mixed with a teaspoon of baking soda and 2 teaspoons of water to make a whitening toothpaste. To ensure that the effect of natural whitening lasts longer, care must be taken not to stain your teeth again in a short time. To last the "candid and shiny" effect requires some rules: constant and thorough oral hygiene to be carried out after each meal (even if it is a snack) and after each coffee; not smoking; use toothpastes for sensitive teeth, alternating them with those with not very aggressive natural whiteners; use soft toothbrushes; limit coffee, chocolate and tea; do not overdo it with mouthwashes and with both chemical and natural whitening substances. In the presence of caries, gingivitis and hypersensitivity of the teeth it is better to postpone the whitening and carry it out after the treatment of these disorders. It is always necessary to have periodic dental checks to check the state of health of the oral cavity and to undergo tooth cleaning at least once a year.

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