Hair color summer 2017: the most fashionable colors and trends

The hair fashion of summer 2017 rewards very different trends, which satisfy everyone, and also for the colors, it must be admitted that there is a rich palette to choose from to show off an irresistible color according to your tastes and needs. But what are the most fashionable hair colors of spring summer 2017? Brown and pink are undoubtedly the undisputed protagonists of the season, both declined in infinite shades and gradations, from the most classic and traditional to the most original. But it is not everything, even the blond - especially if platinum or with cold shades - and the red, especially intense or orange, will know a great success. And then, metal and pastel, two cool and fashionable trends perfect for the most courageous and lovers of the most daring chromatic experiments.

But let's proceed in order: here is a detailed overview of the trendiest hair colors to show off in summer 2017. Ready to take note?

Brown hair: the must-haves of summer 2017

Brown hair is the real protagonist of summer 2017: from the most classic and uniform colors to the most original, with ton sur ton shades and lightening for warm and irresistible colors. trivial colors, seen and reviewed, you will soon change your mind. That's right, because this year the brown is tinged with infinite shades, ranging from blond to bronze, from cocoa to mocha, up to the brightest coppery and iridescent shades of mauve .

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Tiger eye, the coolest color of spring summer 2017

For lovers of golden and bronze shades, the Tiger eye is undoubtedly suitable, a warm brown with caramel and honey shades, created through the balayage technique for a natural and decisive effect at the same time. More golden and blond, or slightly more intense, almost on the verge of coppery, this shade of brown is perfect for all skin types, from lighter tones to olive skin.

See also: Tiger eye, the hair color loved by brunettes!

© Getty Images Tiger eye, the hair color loved by brunettes!

Caramel-colored hair: light brown conquers everyone!

Slightly lighter than tiger eye, and designed for a more uniform result on the hair, here is the caramel tint, another great spearhead of summer 2017. It is a very bright light brown that revives faces and homogeneous and dull hair. Delicate and multi-faceted color typical of caramel, in fact it allows greater brightness thanks to the mix of tones, avoiding the danger of a color that is too dull and cold.

See also: Caramel-colored hair: the perfect shades to enhance brown hair

© Pinterest Caramel-colored hair: all the perfect shades to enhance brown hair

Fast and super trendy hairstyles for a trendy look!

And if you want an original and trendy look, remember that it is also good to choose the right hairstyles! Here are some cute and easy-to-make ideas to show off a trendy haircut that leaves everyone speechless.

Golden chestnut: golden brown is the coolest version of blonde for summer 2017

If you love blonde hair, for summer 2017 you have to opt for either platinum blonde - cold and glacial, up to silver or white shades - or for the warmer golden brown, a very light version of brown, defined in golden brown technical jargon. It goes without saying that this hair color illuminates faces and locks, making it perfect especially for those who start from a rather dull and anonymous ash.

Mocha brown: the ideal color of summer 2017 for lovers of darker tones

A dark brown, coffee color, is instead ideal for lovers of darker and more decisive shades. The mocha brown, or espresso, is a uniform but intense and full-bodied color that manages very well to enhance and give personality to the hair, although it is a uniform and homogeneous color. Perfect for light complexions and cold undertones, with which it creates a decidedly chic and refined mix, this color can also be shown off by women with olive skins, especially if enlivened by warm chocolate shades.

See also: Mocha brown: the "espresso" color is the coolest hair trend for brunettes!

© Getty Images Mocha or espresso brown: the perfect hair trend for brunettes

Mauve chestnut, the iridescent and metal shades among the coolest color trends of summer 2017

Another top trend of summer 2017 is the metal trend. Iridescent and metallic colors are in fact a great topic of the season, also available in the pastel version. An original mix, which has become a real must have among black women, is chocolate mauve. , an iridescent brown with mauve shades, able to combine the two coolest color trends of 2017 hair fashion, brown and shades of pink.

Pink hair, the most original and trendy color of summer 2017

If brown - and its thousand shades - make up the lion's share of the most classic and ordinary colors, it is pink that prevails among the most original and trendy shades of summer 2017. From the strongest and most fluo versions - with fuchsia and shades of the most intense peach - to the most delicate pastel shades, up to metallic pink, for a glam-chic look among the most refined and fashionable according to the trends of the season.

Pastel pink, on the entire hair or only on the lengths, is one of the most chic color choices, perfect for natural blondes, brunettes or ash-haired women who want a little sparkle, choosing a strong but romantic color at the On the "wave of rose gold - the strawberry blonde that made a splash last year - there are many versions and declinations of the female color par excellence, which together with blonde can give rise to a series of highly cool variations, in able to touch different chromatic areas: from the most tenuous pinks to the apricot color, up to the rose gold, to the more decisive pink and peach.

Blorange, the most fashionable color of spring summer 2017

And it is precisely the peach color one of the coolest shades of pink. This is the blorange, which together with the tiger eye, is the coolest color of spring summer 2017. This mix of honey blonde and tangerine color, which gives rise to a pink with peach shades so loved by the most famous overseas trendsetters, is in fact the right color if you want to better interpret the diktat of the hair fashion of the season.You can also choose to apply it only on the lengths or in some strands, for delicate shades and effect on the border between pastel and more decisive colors.

Metallic pink: metal pink among the coolest color trends of summer 2017

Could a metal and silver version of pink be missing in the season that rewards pastel colors and metallic shades? And in fact, metallic pink remains one of the coolest color choices for summer 2017, especially for women who like to dare and play with colors to show off a look worthy of the most up-to-date trendsetters. The base is always the very lucky pink, revived however, with silver and metal veins that make it one of the most glam chic colors of the season.

Red: burgundy, buzz or coppery. The shades of red of summer 2017

Red also conquers a prominent place, confirming itself as one of the leading colors of summer 2017 in its most varied and multiple shades: from the bright and intense bold burgundy to the ronze - more coppery and warm - up to the cayenne spice, a version decisive and orange, among the latest trends coming from America.

The bold burgundy, although in vogue now since last autumn, continues to be a very successful trend, even if it is preferred not on the entire hair but only on the lengths, as the beauty blogger Clio Make-up likes, who shows it off with a dark brown base for a sensual and decisive highly fashion mix.

If you prefer warmer and brighter reds to mahogany and burgundy, you can opt for shades of bronze, with the ronze, beloved by the stars, or the orange ones of the cayenne spice. The latter is a cinnamon red, intense and full of light, perfect for reviving lunar and delicate complexions that gives an aura of chic sobriety and vintage-style refinement.

© Getty Images

The ronze, on the other hand, is a coppery bronze - born precisely from the union of red and bronze - which creates a warm and intense mélange for an original look full of personality. You can choose to make it veer in the most intense copper, pushing more on the redest and most decisive shades, or in the bronze and golden shades, for a coppery hinted almost to the limit of brown.

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