Chat on the net

Chat: what does it mean?

Unknown until a dozen years ago, "chats" (pronounced "ciat") are now an "activity that gathers tens of millions of people from all over the world every day. A "chat" - discussion in English - is a virtual conversation that takes place on the web, and is possible thanks to the interactive and instantaneous power of the internet. Initially, this new means of communication appeared with discussion forums born in different sites web, specialized or not, and then evolved into instant messaging systems, such as MSN, Messenger or even Mercury, to name a few. Nothing simpler: just a computer, a good internet connection and a little "(... or a lot ...) time, to chat freely.

A particular language

Created to communicate (ideas, points of view, information, advice ...), the chats have aroused unprecedented enthusiasm in Internet users: you can discuss everything and without taboos, with your friends or with strangers, who live in our street or elsewhere in the world, at any hour of the day or night. Very soon phenomena of appropriation and particular codes such as, for example, a special language appeared. The "

", the" xkè "and the" cmq "punctuate the conversations, while the" trolls "* annoy those who argue.

A pseudonym to change identity

The other advantage of chats is, without doubt, the anonymity guaranteed by this means of communication. Sheltered, behind your screen, you can give your thoughts the green light, but above all, hide behind a more or less poetic and revealing pseudonym, you can be someone else for a few hours. So, goodbye shyness, good manners or other complexes that ruin our life every day: you become the person you have always dreamed of being, without worrying about the judgments of others. In this way, therefore, it is possible to improve a daily life that is always the same as itself, transform it into what you want, and invent an exciting life; we can express what we usually dare to hardly think, or we can also communicate with others without the fear of having to face them (since we do not see them). In this way it is possible to more easily create bonds of friendship, or even of love.

From the meetings to the meeting

In English, "to chat up" means to seduce, woo ... And in the face of the numerous possibilities of creating relationships, certainly virtual at the beginning, that the internet offers, chats have quickly become a privileged meeting place for Internet users. This is because, if chats are an excellent way to keep in touch with your friends, they are also and above all a good way to meet "the" right person: behind your screen you let yourself go, you dare, you court ... After all, all specialized dating sites have forums and other messaging systems to facilitate relations between their members. From here to say that finding love on the Internet is possible, the step is small ... and some do not hesitate to do so.

And then: from virtual to real?

If escaping for a few hours in the virtual world is easy, the reverse attitude is not. In fact, whether it is "love or" friendship, the relationships that arise online generally do not have a great future in the real world. Why not? are always based on "honesty, and above all because they are more of a loophole and an opening to the world, than a solid bond you can really count on: loves born on the web remain on the web. And, in general, they end up in the moment. which one of the two partners proposes a possible meeting.

Beware of risky behaviors

Ok, chat allows you to hide behind a profile that - sometimes (but not always) - looks like us. So, at the same time, you never really know who you are dealing with. Pedophiles, psychopaths ... apart from the alarmism, unfortunately these are individuals who can be crossed online. This is why you need to be careful and cautious when sharing personal information with strangers you meet online. But evil doesn't always come from others: simple, reassuring and a source of much satisfaction, chat can become a real obsession. A little at a time we become addicted, we can no longer get out of this virtual bubble that cuts us off from the real world. So be careful not to lose control, neglecting true friends, family, work ...

* trolls are people who get involved in discussions and act as troublemakers. Provocations, insults ... every occasion is good to argue or even empty a "chat room".

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