Chakras: what they are and what their meaning is

Those who approach disciplines such as yoga or are fascinated by Buddhist thought and oriental philosophies, often hear about the Chakra system. However, not everyone still knows what is meant by this term. It is good to say that the theories about our life and energy centers have only been spreading in recent years, although there are already many who pay attention to the balance of own Chakras.

Today we will discover what it is, what the meaning of the term Chakra is, what are the 7 main energy points and their functions.

What are the Chakras?

The term Chakra it derives from Sanskrit, the ancient language spoken by the populations of Indian origin with which the sacred texts of their literature, or the Vedas, are also written. Literally, Chakra means "wheel" or "circle". Although we hear about it more and more often, not everyone knows what lies behind this word. In fact, the Chakras are our vital and energy points distributed in the body. They can be understood as "energy centers", precisely because they have the task of absorbing the "universal vital energy, metabolizing it in every human being and then spreading it out again.

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What does it mean to open the Chakras

You can often hear the "expression"open the chakras", but what is the meaning of this sentence? We have said that each chakra is an energy center, where, precisely, vitality flows in a constant way. However, it can happen that one or more of them get stuck. This fact leads to imbalances and both physical and mental disorders, which vary according to the chakra that is no longer in balance with the others. To restore the correct functioning of a vital point, you can resort to practices such as yoga and meditation, but also through a "correct diet and" the use of stones and crystals, perhaps set on bracelets and jewels to always carry with you.

Furthermore, it should be specified that a chakra can not only close, it can even open excessively, still leading to discomfort. For this it is very important that each Chakra is in balance. To restore harmony between these vital points, a series of actions can be carried out with the aim of re-balancing our flow of energy.

The 7 main Chakras

According to yoga and other philosophies, there are 74 chakras in the human body, but 7 of them can be considered as the main ones. Let's find out in detail, focusing on the field of action of each energy center.

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1. Muladhara, the root chakra

Location: perineum, in the lower part of the pelvis, at the base of the spine.
Element: earth.
Sense: smell.
Stone: ruby.

The term Muladhara means "support of the base"and it is no coincidence that the first Chakra corresponds to the pelvic plexus, under the" Sacred Bone. It deals with different parts of the body, those that we could define as the "hardest", such as bones and teeth. In general, the root chakra symbolizes psychic stability and the ability to control instincts. If Muladhara is in balance, one is full of zest for life and enthusiasm. When it is blocked, fear is usually the main cause and all of this leads to insecurity and a lack of self-esteem. To open it, we recommend walking, aerobics and, of course, yoga sessions.

2. Svdhisthana, the sacral chakra

Position: lower part of the abdomen and abdomen.
Orange colour.
Element: water.
Sense: taste
Stone: amber.

Also called the splenic chakra, Svadisthana is located in the lower part of the abdomen, just below the navel, and for this reason it is recognized as the fulcrum that acts as a link between soul and body. In the system of energy centers, the second chakra gives the individual creativity, spontaneity and pleasure. It is the nerve center of emotions and also of everything related to the sphere of sexuality and fertility. In conditions of balance, Svadisthana promotes maximum freedom of expression, with an open personality and at peace with itself. It is blocked by feelings of guilt, thus leading to sexual repression and contempt for the pleasures of life. Exercises that involve the movement of the pelvis do well to open the second chakra or swimming or relaxing showers and baths.

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3. Manipura, the solar plexus chakra

Location: upper half of the belly.
Yellow color.
Element: fire.
Sense: sight.
Stone: citrine quartz and all yellow stones.

Just as its name implies, Manipura is located in the solar plexus, which is the abdominal area below the diaphragm. It controls various parts of the body, including the skin, stomach, and intestines, and is connected to everything related to heat and light. In fact, the meaning of the third chakra lies in the ability to act energetically and to regulate our will. When it is open, Manipura makes us feel confident, full of energy and at the height of any situation, without fear of being criticized. Usually it is shame that blocks it. In that case, we perceive both physical and physical disturbances. mental, such as problems related to digestion or introversion, dissatisfaction and lack of self-esteem.

4. Anahata, the heart chakra

Position: in the center of the chest.
Green colour.
Element: air.
Sense: touch.
Stone: tourmaline, all green stones and also rose quartz.

The meaning of the term Anahata corresponds to “sound not hit, not damaged”. For some it indicates the sound of the meeting between the cardiac and pulmonary plexuses, the very area where the chakra is located, while for others it would be explained by the heart's ability to create a melody, whose resonance would be perceived when we meet people that give birth to love within us. Anahata is the seat of the spirit, of all human emotions and of those feelings considered disinterested and benevolent towards others. This is where unconditional love is born. It can be blocked due to pain and delusions, causing disturbances to the heart and circulatory systems, a tendency to isolation and the inability to love. To restore it, it is necessary to learn to forgive, to let go of grudges, to spend time in nature and to do breathing exercises.

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5. Vishuddha, the throat chakra

Location: in the lower half of the neck, at the level of the throat.
Light blue.
Element: ether.
Sense: hearing
Stone: lapis lazuli, aquamarines and blue stones.

Just as its name suggests, Vishudda sits at the throat and controls it, along with the neck and arms as well. It governs everything related to communication, whether it is with others or with ourselves, as well as listening and creative and artistic expression. Its color is blue because transparency is fundamental for the fifth chakra. In fact, if in balance, it expresses itself in a clear, correct and polite way, with full respect for all. Furthermore, we know how to listen to those around us, giving to them all our attention. Often he freezes for lies and can give rise to physical disturbances of voice and throat and communication problems. You can either talk a lot or, on the contrary, not do it at all for fear of creating misunderstandings. To activate it, they are d "help exercises for the neck and vocalization, with which also to externalize the accumulated frustration.

6. Ajna, the third eye chakra

Position: in the center of the forehead.
Color: indigo.
Element: light.
Sense: sight, "sixth sense" understood as intuition.
Stone: amethyst.

The sixth chakra is located between the two eyebrows, in the center of the forehead. Its function is associated with the temples and the carotid plexus. Intuition, imagination and mental clarity depend on Ajna. To keep it in balance, it requires more constant work than the other energy centers, which usually consists of periodic meditation sessions. It helps us to have a complete vision and a correct understanding without prejudice of the reality that surrounds us, focusing on our goals and on the fundamental values ​​of existence. The malfunctioning of the third eye chakra can be due to illusions. Its blockage triggers vision problems, migraines and psychological disorders. In this case, massages of the temples, forehead and eyelids are useful, in addition to the aforementioned meditation and yoga.

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7. Sahasrara, the crown chakra

Location: above the skull.
Element: thought.
Sense: it is not connected to any physical perception.
Stone: hyaline quartz, amethyst, diamond.

The seventh chakra is located above the head and controls the nervous system and the brain. Sahasrara is linked to the concept of enlightenment, bliss and spirituality, which is why its effects are not reflected on the physical body, but all on a mental level. Proper opening of the crown chakra offers inner serenity, wisdom, well-being and happiness. When he gets stuck it is because too much space has been left for earthly attachments. All this causes apathy, selfishness, will to dominate and possess, narrow-mindedness and arrogance. To restore the right balance, it is good to take some yoga positions that stimulate the top of the head, such as Sirsasana o or la Padmasana, also called the lotus position.

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