Look for work

The method

Whether you've already worked or it's your first job, looking for a job requires organization and a good dose of motivation. It is rare for people who are looking for a job to find it immediately, except in some sectors, where the search for collaborators is continuous. Also, you have to be determined, not to be disheartened. For an active and effective research, there are some rules to respect:

• Keep the pace: you have to spend several hours a day on your research. You must therefore set a pace of work (drafting of the letters of presentation, sending of resumes, searching for job offers).

See also

Work stress: what burnout syndrome is and how to deal with it

• Organize your days according to working hours, ie 9-13, 15-18. It is a way to get in touch with this world more easily, either by mail or by phone.

• The importance of having an agenda: it is important to keep in touch with your former colleagues and friends. Don't be ashamed to be looking for a job! Who knows, maybe these people could tell you about a job or, better yet, they might recommend you.

• Make yourself comfortable: looking for a job requires concentration! If you can, choose a quiet place with the necessary materials (telephone, desk, Internet, computer) to isolate yourself and give the best in your research. Things get better when you are alone. Think about writing down what you do, to see if employers have answered you and, if necessary, get back to them.

• In the meantime, enjoy your freedom !: There is no point in brooding and thinking only about work. The hours you dedicate to your research are sufficient and often exhausting. To cheer yourself up, don't neglect hobbies (sports, going out with friends). You'll get better right away.

• Help from loved ones: Your entourage can also help you a lot. When you feel disheartened, loved ones can encourage you, convincing you to continue your research. They can also help you by looking at job vacancies.

• Don't throw in the towel !: It is rare that the first ads you respond to are the right ones. The key is to stay positive! Even if they don't answer you or if the answers are negative, have faith in yourself and keep searching.

Take stock of your skills

It's time to analyze your path and your skills. To be more confident, you need to know how to evaluate yourself. Once you have done a little research on the situation in your work sector, take stock of your path and skills that you have acquired over time, without forgetting to update your CV. The aim is to be able to easily answer these questions: what are the essential stages of your journey? What are your previous experiences? Also ask yourself what are the positive and negative results you can draw from your previous jobs, in order to finalize your search, and give your best once you get an interview. The same goes for your relational and human qualities. The most important thing is to check that your skills match those required for the position.Then, clearly identify your professional goal, that is, make long-term plans to know what evolution you wish for your future work. Then try to understand what your priorities are (salary, responsibilities, travel…). All this will allow you to refine your search and have a more precise idea of ​​what you expect from your professional life. And it is also a way to buy time.

The method

It's time to make an action plan. There are two possible solutions: applications can be sent by mail or post, depending on your preferences and those of the employer (generally, it is indicated at the end of the ad ). You have many tools and methods available for your research:

• Spontaneous applications: This involves identifying the companies you would like to work with and checking if they are in line with your objectives (reputation, geographical area…). Send a cover letter and a Curriculum Vitae. You can find their coordinates on the Internet or on the yellow pages. But beware: only about 5% of spontaneous applications are followed by an interview ...

• Newspapers: less and less consulted, however, they remain a place where you can find interesting announcements. All that remains is to choose the appropriate newspaper or magazine (management, public administration, etc.)

• Internet: at the moment, it is the privileged place to find a "job! Generic job vacancies sites, specific sites for a job sector, discussion forums ... everything is possible on the net and allows you to finalize your searches in a limited time. It is thus possible to deposit your CV directly online.

• Professional salons: if you have the opportunity, do not hesitate to go to salons and other events where you can meet people who work in your sector. You never know!

Some useful sites: - www.motorelavoro.it.

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